Flippin’ over Spring

Flippin’ over Spring

Ava backflips while onlookers Samantha, Zoey, Finley and Reese cheer. The tumbling practice was performed outdoors thanks to some temperatures in the upper 60s during the first days of Spring which officially arrived on March 21. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

Council to peck away at fowl issue once again

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- During the Monday night meeting, the village council voted unanimously to have the planning commission review the ordinance pertaining to chickens and give recommendation back to council. “We have received a letter from a resident stating that they would like to see the ordinance possibly reviewed,” said village president […]

House OKs bill to keep extend bar closures until 4 a.m.

By David Fleet Editor Patrons of bars and restaurants statewide could toss a few more back until 4 a.m. with a bill that passed the State House last week. On March 18, a third and final vote was held regarding State Rep. Ryan Berman’s (R- 39th District Commerce Township) House Bill 4115 which passed 61-47. […]

Voter redistricting reform rolls out

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.-By November Michigan voting districts will look much different. Earlier this month Rebecca Szetela, an independent commissioner from Canton, representing the Michigan Independent Redistricting Commission (MIRC) provided an overview of the process during a recent township meeting. “We are welcoming everyone’s ideas,” said Szetela, 47. “We are actively seeking comments […]

A dose of relief

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp.- The mood at the vaccination clinic on Saturday was uplifting and hope. “They were just so happy to be there,” said Jenny Roelandt, Ortonville Rite Aid, pharmacist. “Many expressed they could soon see their children and grandchildren. There was a feeling of relief from many.” That’s how Roelandt described […]

Village manager offer extended

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- During the Monday night meeting, the council voted 6-1 to extend an offer to Ryan Madis the position of village manager, contingent on background checks and health screenings. Council member Kay Green voted against the offer. “There’s so much that happens in local government and I’m excited about all […]

To catch a leprechaun

To catch a leprechaun

Sawyer Mezger, an Oakwood Elementary School student creates a leprechaun trap on St. Patrick’s Day. According to tradition, one must believe leprechauns are real to trap one. It is also believed that leprechauns love gold and trickery unless captured. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

Barron Road paving project rolls forward

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.- By this fall two miles of a primary township road will be much smoother and safer. In August 2019 the township board of trustees voted 4-0 to pave two miles of Barron Road. Trustee James Christopher was absent with notice. At a cost of $5.3 million, the process of […]

Township seeks to stewardship of historic cemetery

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- By a 5-0 vote on Monday night the township board of trustees authorize the township attorney to pursue legal easement to the Atlas Cemetery. The historical cemetery dating back more than 250 years, located on a 1/4 acre tract of land just behind the Atlas Baptist Church, 6396 S. […]

Districts seeks lower interest rate for bonds

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-On March 8, the Goodrich School Board voted 6-0 to authorize Okemos-based Stifel, Nicolaus and Company to test the municipal market to sell school districts refund bonds. The refunding bonds are for the purpose refinancing the school districts’ outstanding school bond loan fund balance of $4,626,000 as of May 27, 2021. […]