Library to assist in vaccination registration

By David Fleet Editor Ortonville- As the COVID-19 vaccine rolls out, the township library is providing some much needed help for those challenged by the technology gap. As the availability of now three COVID-19 vaccinations come out scheduling for healthcare providers to give the doses require patients to sign up online, a task that is […]

Sharin’ O’ the Green continues:OCEF ramps up pantry collection

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Ortonville Community Relief Fund is gearing up for two big fundraisers, Sharin’ O’ the Green and the Easter Holiday food drive. “Once again, in order to protect our pantry families and our hard- working pantry staff, OCEF will be doing an Easter Distribution, but we will be handling it […]

Board grapples with accessory buildings ordinance

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- During the regular Monday night meeting, the township board of trustees voted unanimously to postpone the second reading of an ordinance modification to the accessory buildings ordinance. The ordinance, 46-242 (1) (c)-46-242 (d) (2), 46-242 (3) and 46-282 (b) (6), is in regards to accessory buildings under the […]

Thoughts of spring

Thoughts of spring

A frosty beaked robin contemplates a late February snow in Brandon Township. Contrary to common belief robins are not the first bird of spring. Many winter right here in Oakland County. Photo by Jonathon Schechter, Brandon resident and Oakland County nature writer.

Technology gap sparking vaccine appointment issues for seniors

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp.- The race for the COVID-19 vaccination is now heating up—but one sector of the community may be lagging just behind. In Oakland county, sign-ups are ramping up with more than 500,000 already on a variety of lists at several facilities. When it comes to scheduling a COVID-19 vaccination often […]

Mars landing prompts questions, changes

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp- Tuesday morning Brandon High School physics teacher Lesley Hildebrand enlightened her geophysics class of freshman students that at one time all telephones required a cord. “If you would have told me in your lifetime a phone would have needed a cord I would never have believed it,” said Hildebrand, […]

Village council opts for two monthly meetings

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-During the regular meeting Monday night, the village council voted 5-1 to hold two regular meetings a month temporarily until they are able to catch up on the agenda items. The proposed dates would be the second and fourth Mondays of every month. Village president Tonja Brice voted against the […]

Twp. board OKs Medical Marijuana caregivers zoning amendment

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-On Feb.18 the township board of trustees voted 4-1 during a special virtual meeting to amend ordinance language in the Atlas Township Medical Marijuana caregivers zoning amendment. The purpose is to define and regulate Medical Marijuana primary caregiver operations. The planning commission voted to approve the amendment. Township Clerk Katie […]

Dog days of winter

Dog days of winter

Stella dives into about a foot of fresh snow on Tuesday morning in Goodrich as Jim and Zoey Smith watch. The snow was followed by negative temperatures overnight. A slight moderation in the cold is expected for southeastern Michigan for the weekend. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

COVID vaccination distribution challenged

By David Fleet Editor An area lawmaker said, “no thank you” when offered the COVID-19 vaccine. State Rep. Mike Mueller vowed to make sure all his constituents have access to a vaccine before he himself considers getting one. “I hear from people in our communities each and every day who are desperately trying to get […]