By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- The township board has approved replacement of a fire station parking lot and addition of a parking lot at the Seymour Lake Cemetery for a total cost of just over a quarter of a million dollars. At their April 4 meeting, the council approved Lacaria Concrete Construction, Inc. […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- The lobby of McDonald’s, 925 S. Ortonville Road, has been closed for more than a month due to septic issues. The drive-thru remains open, but the lobby can’t open until the Oakland County Health Division issues a permit for a new septic system and construction is completed. “We […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer The phone rings shortly after 7 p.m. on a recent Friday night at the Oakland County Emergency Dispatch Center. Andrea Almanza answers the call. “9-1-1, what is your location?” The woman on the other end gives a Pontiac address and speaks in a rush, nearly incoherently. “A mother and daughter […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- Rocking and raking is back on. “Teens and Seniors Rocking and Raking,” will take place from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, April 30. Clerk Candee Allen put out a plea to save the 1-day event in which volunteers do various yard work chores for senior citizens and disabled adults […]
By David Fleet Editor On March 14 the Groveland Township Board of Trustees announced two paving projects for 2016. About a mile and half of Groveland Road from Jossman Road east to M-15 will be treated with a single shot of asphalt binder followed by aggregate evenly spread so it is only one stone thick. […]
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-The final route on an estimated $600,000 village drain project could be determined late this spring or early summer with construction beginning this fall. Jim Gerth, director of surface water management for the Genesee County Drain Office, said the field work on the village project is finished. “Once the route is […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- After a bullet hit a township house this week and multiple shooting complaints, police are reminding residents of gun laws. “It is illegal to fire weapons, whether it’s hunting or target shooting, within 450 feet of a building,” said Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Greg Glover, commander of […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer All positions on the three area township boards will be up for grabs this year. If you’re interested in filling one of the available seats, the deadline is fast approaching for filing to be on the ballot. Potential candidates can obtain petition forms at their respective township board offices, Atlas, […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville- John Lyons is stepping down as village manager. Lyons announced his resignation to the village council at their March 28 meeting. His last day will be May 26. “I’m just done,” said Lyons. “I’ve been through some medical issues within the last couple months and I realize how fragile […]
By David Fleet Editor On March 25, a state-appointed conservator from the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) announced that Michigan State University Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU) will merge with the Clarkston Brandon Community Credit Union (CBCCU). The new MSUFCU members from the CBCCU may continue to transact business at both former locations, 8055 Ortonville Road, […]