

Kate Jordan, Reid Elementary school principal, prepares for Goodrich students to return on Aug. 29 to classes. Photo: Patrick McAbee.

Council debates location, terms of marijuana shops

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Ortonville—During the regular Monday night meeting, the village council approved a resolution with a 5-1 vote to adopt the Adult Use Marihuana Establishment Ordinance. Council member Pat George voted against the resolution, and council member Larry Hayden was absent with notice. The ordinance was approved by voters in the Aug. […]

Brandon Township ranks among top 20 safest communities in Michigan

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp. — The National Council for Home Safety and Security released rankings for the safest cities in the nation and for each state. Among 50 Michigan communities reporting the township is ranked number 19. “I’m very proud of the men and women assigned to this substation and the department in […]

School board vacancy

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon — The Brandon Board of Education is looking to fill a vacancy on the board following the resignation of a board member. “Our roles are to preserve and improve the quality of our school district by setting our vision, goals and policies,” said Diane Salterboard president. “It is important […]

BGYA caseworker transferring

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon Twp. — For seven years, Ragen Rockwell has been the part-time Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance caseworker in Brandon Schools. Her last day is Aug. 30, and then she will be transferring full-time to Waterford. “I cannot think of a single thing that I will not miss about the Brandon-Ortonville […]

Board opts to appoint interim school board member

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich—  On Monday night the school board voted 5-0 to appoint Scott VanSumeren as interim trustee to fill a vacancy created by trustee Chip Schultz’s resignation Aug. 19. Trustee Ginny Yuschak was absent with notice. VanSumeren will serve until Dec. 31, 2022, completing Schultz’s term. Prior to the vote, the board […]

Village OK’s EV charging station

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Ortonville — During the Monday night meeting, the village council voted unanimously to allow village manager Ryan Madis to pursue an agreement with State Contracting Inc. for an electric vehicle charging station in the village following a presentation by Duane Lobbestael, CEO of State Contracting Inc.,15045 Dixie Highway, Holly. “I’ve […]

‘Township in very strong position’

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp. — On Monday night at the board of trustees meeting, Wesley Messing, a CPA, principal and audit partner for King & King, presented the annual financial statements and auditor’s report for the township’s fiscal year ending March 31, 2022. According to the audit, for the fiscal year 2021-22 the […]

Drive up doggy

Drive up doggy

Kaylee Hopkins along with ‘Roxy’ receive dairy products at Weil Dairy Farm, 9197 Gale Road, Atlas Township, from Mia Byard during Dairy Days. The farm recently received a $1,500 grant from the United Dairy Industry of Michigan to promote dairy products. Photo: Patrick McAbee

Township voters to decide on retail recreational marijuana sales

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon Twp.— On Aug. 2, Ortonville voters narrowly OK’d marijuana sales in the village. Township voters will be asked the same question in November. Residents in the township will have a proposal for recreational marijuana on the Nov. 8 ballot. The ballot language was approved to go to Oakland County […]

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