Enrollment for Schools of Choice to open March 1

Schools of Choice will once again open for enrollment for the first semester/trimester of the 2013 school year beginning March 1 and closing on Aug. 30.
Consistent with last year, kindergarten through ninth grade will be unlimited enrollment, while ninth and 10th grades are limited to early college. Early College is a ‘rigorous five-year high school, combining the best of the high school and an early college experience. OSEC, located within Oxford Virtual Academy.?
Oxford International Virtual Academy accepts kindergarten through 12th grade. Tenth and 11th grades will also remain consistent with last year by being limited to IB, Bio-Med and Engineering Academy with a new edition of the Fine Arts Conservatory.
Changes this year include Young Five’s (Kindergarten) is limited, along with, 10th, 11th and 12th grades are limited to International Residence Academy.
For more information call Kathleen Rastigue 248-969-5019