Event at Scripps Mansion was high quality

The Art, Autos and Architecture event at Scripps Mansion on July 26-27 was absolutely outstanding!
I was proud to see the representation from the Orion Art Center and the Orion Historical Society, local Boy Scouts and many other members of the Orion Township community, as well as a myriad of other volunteers.
They worked together with the extremely capable staff at Guest House to produce a high quality event.
The funds raised through this premier event will be used for restoration and renovations at the mansion, with some funding going back to the Orion Art Center and Orion Historical Society.
Congratulations are in order to all who assisted in the planning and execution of the many details that went into making this the success it was.
And congratulations to the thousands of folks from the surrounding communities who came to enjoy the art, autos and architecture offered.
Elizabeth Balch, Assistant to
the Orion Township Supervisor