Feb. 18’Patrick Baldwin’s Pajama Bottom Ways Day

Patrick Baldwin loved to wear pajama pants.
‘He always had those pants on,? said his father, Pat. ‘People that knew him will remember Patrick in those pants.?
The casual garb is now synonymous with the 19-year-old Brandon High School graduate who took his own life on Nov. 14, 2012.
‘Patrick was very intelligent, quick thinking,? recalled Pat. ‘He was outgoing and a popular kid at school. The kids loved him. He never got into drugs, did not steal, disliked oppression and kept a good sense of right and wrong. But like many people that suffer from depression, (his outward happiness) was a facade.?
In Patrick’s memory, family members are declaring Feb. 18’his birthday? Patrick Baldwin’s Pajama Bottom Ways Day.
‘We are asking people to take pictures of themselves and friends wearing their pajama bottoms out in public and post them on the Facebook page: ?7 Days for Patrick Baldwin’s Pajama Bottom Ways,?? he said. ‘Our goal is to not only honor Patrick, but raise awareness of depression and the symptoms.?
Pat and the Baldwin family suggest donations be made to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
‘Depression is like diabetes or any disease for that matter,? Pat said. ‘Awareness and treatment is the key. We sought treatment for Patrick and unfortunately it was not enough’he succumbed to despair and took his life. We ask everyone put on your pajama bottoms for a day and remember Patrick.?