High schoolers give back to community

Students at Clarkston High School are gearing up for LEAD’s annual Charity Week, beginning Monday.
“We host Charity Week every year as a way to involve the student body in giving back to the community,” said Alyssa Setting, from CHS LEAD. “We like to give the students a better understanding of the world by informing them about people who benefit from their support.”
It begins with a Penny War with the sophomores, juniors and seniors going against each other in a class battle and ends with a Lunch Carnival on Friday.
The community can help by attending the first ever “C” Factor Talent Showcase at the Clarkston Junior High School on Tuesday, 5 p.m. Proceeds from the event and from during the week go to The Rainbow Connection. Also, Care House of Oakland County will benefit.
The other event to attend is the Jimmy V Volleyball Tournament, where teams of students and staff compete in volleyball games while raising money for the V Foundation for Cancer Research, formed by former basketball coach Jim Valvano and ESPN.
Funds from admissions, concessions and donations will go towards the foundation.
The tournament is Thursday, Feb. 2, 7 p.m. at Clarkston High School.
Another way to help out is to donate items to the Care House of Oakland County ? antiseptic wipes, gift cards arts and crafts, soap and detergent, batteries, diapers, and other baby supplies.
Drop off donations in Amy Quayle’s room A235 at the high school, 6093 Flemings Lake Road. Contact aequayle@clarkston.k12.mi.us or call the high school, 248-623-3600.