Independence library hosts teen art

Members of the public are invited to view and vote on displays at the Independence Township Library’s Teen Art Show, 6-8 p.m., June 22, an event made possible by The Friends of the Library.
According to Keegan Sulecki, head of Teen Services, the yearly art show offers teenagers more than an opportunity to showcase their creative skills.
‘It takes confidence to display artwork before the community? and it gives parents a chance to share a special moment with their kids, she said.
Sulecki’s dedication and passion for the Teen Art Show comes from her own experience. As a teenager living in Clarkston, she attended programs at the library. Then, she started working there at age 16.
‘It’s nice for kids to have a place to go that doesn’t cost anything and for parents to know their children are in a safe place,? she pointed out.
From Sulecki’s perspective, programs like the upcoming art show ‘make young people feel welcome? and encourage ‘them to become an active part of the community.?
Besides, ‘it’s fun,? Sulecki said with a smile. She’s seen a lot of imaginative pieces at past Teen Art Shows like portraits, 3-D art, quilts, photographs, and graphic design work.
While viewing the variety of pieces the students submit, members of the community are encouraged to vote on their favorite works of art.
Every teen who participates will go home with a certificate, but only a few will get prizes donated by local businesses like Culver’s, Red Knapp’s, and Target.
Any artist grades 6-12 can submit their work for the Teen Art Show to the library until June 13.
For more information, interested teens can find submission guidelines at the library’s front desk or by contacting Keegan Sulecki at 248-625-8852 or by emailing her at