Keep dirt road speed 25 mph

Dear Editor:
To Governor Granholm: Please save our 25 mph limit on gravel roads in Oakland County. Our road, Thayer Road, in Groveland Township, has more than 10 horses and riders within a half mile. We have drainage ditches on both sides of our road with nowhere to escape when riding and cars pass each other on opposite sides. With higher speed limits, cars will be upon us before we have time to find a friendly driveway cut. There will be much danger in riding on the road and for many of us, that is our only option to enjoy our horses.
There is grave danger to children waiting for the school bus in the early morning darkness as well. Unless each child wears reflective clothing, cars will be upon them before they realize it. Our road is not a highway. It should remain at 25 mph for the safety of all concerned. Please don’t wait until a child or equestrian is killed to realize the 25 mph is a sound and proper speed limit for vehicles on Thayer Road.
Lorene Mollenhour
Groveland Township