Letter to the Editor: A mom’s pride in her son

As I was looking through the Oxford Leader last week, I saw and read the Academic Achiever spot as I always do. I enjoy reading this part of the paper, especially this year because my son is also a senior, therefore I know a lot of these gifted young people. However, it struck me a bit sadly this week because I realized that my son will never have his picture in that spot.
As someone who graduated third in my high school class of 210 and also graduated from the University of Michigan with honors, I can truly appreciate the accomplishments of the students highlighted every week.
But let me tell you about my son and the kids just like him who struggle with learning disabilities every day. These are the kids I am truly proud of. Looking at my son, he looks like your typical high school student. You would never know he as a learning disability. He is very smart, but his brain just doesn’t process information the way it is supposed to.
My son has struggled in school every day for 12 years. I remember the sleepless nights, the hours of homework, the anxiety experienced every day that he has had to go to school.
And yet somehow he kept trying, worked hard, never gave up and has still maintained a 3.2 GPA. My hat goes off to him and all the other kids just like him.
Because my son is shy, and to avoid embarrassing him, I will ask that this letter remains anonymous.
However, on graduation day in May 2013, as he walks across the stage, I bet you will know who I am. I will be the one cheering the loudest for him and will probably have tears streaming down my face. For although it has been a constant struggle, he will have made it. And as always, he will be my # 1 Academic Achiever.
Proud Mom of an OHS 2013 Senior