Letter to the Editor – LOEF party best ever

A sincere Thank You goes out to Kelly Weaver for her efforts to orchestrate the best Lake Orion Education Foundation – Evening for Education Dinner/Dance ever. This event is the signature fundraiser for the LOEF and takes a tremendous amount of planning and implementation to put on an evening like this, and Kelly made it look effortless although we know it was not.
‘In addition to Kelly, I would like to thank each of the 150+ guests who joined us for the evening, the LOHS Solo Ensemble, the LOEF Board, our local businesses, the awesome PTO/PTAs from every school who donated the most amazing and creative gift baskets, the middle school art teachers and students for their beautiful artwork, the many distinguished elected officials, the staff at Canterbury, our terrific volunteers and the two School Board members who supported us – Jim Weidman and Deb Porter.
The LOEF relies on events like this to support our students and every penny counts! As you may know, the LOEF has partnered with LOCS to be one of the first school systems in Michigan to implement a formal, district wide anti-bullying campaign and while this initiative is focused on our schools, it will really take the commitment and dedication of the entire Lake Orion community to make this a true success. We look forward to getting everyone involved and are grateful to be a part of this wonderful community. Thanks again and to learn more, please go to www. lakeorioneducationfoundation.org.
‘Matt V. Phillips