Open mic at Coffee House concert

Coffee House, featuring Amy Kucera and local talent, 7 p.m., March 19, Peace Unity Church, 8080A Ortonville Road. 248-625-5192.
This family-friendly evening begins with Open Mic time at 7:00 p.m. followed by Amy Kucera, a versatile musician with a hauntingly beautiful voice.
Kucera, winner of the Hill Award for Outstanding Musical Performance in voice, the Steiner Award for Creativity in Music Composition, and the 33rd Annual competition in Musical Performance, composition division, was one of the first women to excel in electronic composition.
She currently serves as artistic director of the General Motors Employees? Chorus and as an ad hoc singer, composer and keyboardist at Peace Unity.
Peace Unity Church, 8080A Ortonville Road, presents the evening’s entertainment and refreshments. Admission is free, donations accepted.
Aspiring musicians, poets, dancers and others can contact Rev. Matthew Long to get on the schedule for the March Coffee House or for another of the regularly scheduled events. Peace Unity Church provides this venue for local artists and their fans the third Friday of each month.
For more information about Peace Unity Church, call 248-625-5192 or visit