Playing to raise funds for Allie

It was a rewarding and competitive week of volleyball for the varsity volleyball squad but the greater reward did not come on the courts.
Last Sunday, the varsity and junior varsity volleyball teams scrimmaged the Oxford varsity and junior varsity boys? soccer teams in a fundraiser for a little girl battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A.L.L.).
Eight -year old Allie McCullough, who attends Fenton’s Tomek Eastern Elementary School, has been battling the disease at Hurley Medical Center in Flint since her diagnosis in June of 2012.
She has been through numerous spinal taps, blood draws, and intensified chemotherapy treatments. Top help with the fundraiser, the Wildcats sold baked goods, ‘I Fight WITH Allie Against A.L.L.? t-shirts and raffled a beautiful quilt donated by Mabelena’s in Ortonville for the event.
The Wildcat players and their fans were surprised when Allie and her family were able to attend the event. The volleyball program gave Allie a signed volleyball and Oxford Volleyball t-shirt which she sported proudly throughout the event.
‘It was so rewarding to watch all the Wildcat athletes in the volleyball and soccer programs come together for Allie and give their time. It was about giving to this little girl who is fighting for her life everyday and all the athletes, parents, and fans who came to support her walked out of the event feeling thankful and rewarded,? said varsity volleyball coach Kristi McDevitt.
Then, early this week, some great news came in a phone call. On Monday Coach Kristi McDevitt received a phone call from Allie’s grandmother, Terrie McCullough, stating that Allie’s leukemia is now in remission