Super tallies another positive evaluation

Compared to the school board’s glowing evaluation a year ago, Superintendent Ken Gutman’s performance has declined in the board’s estimation. But not by much.
Gutman’s second evaluation of the current school year ‘meets expectations? in all seven areas examined. Areas include district areas of focus; business and finance; relationship with the board; community relations; superintendent-staff relations; educational leadership; and personal qualities.
The school board unanimously approved the evaluation summary at their regular April 28 meeting after it was presented by Boardmember Janet Wolverton, human resources committee member.
The evaluation, conducted in closed session, was summarized by the HR committee and presented to the public. A closed-session meeting is allowable by the Open Meetings Act when requested by the employee being evaluated.
The superintendent’s evaluation says, ‘Overall, the board finds that Mr. Gutman is meeting our expectations in all evaluated areas. Mr. Gutman continues to move the district forward and fosters the continuous advancement of student performance for Lake Orion Community Schools.?
In two areas ? relationship with the board and superintendent-staff relations ? the evaluation says ‘a majority of the board believes Mr. Gutman meets our expectations.?
In the other five areas, the evaluation notes ‘Mr. Gutman meets the board’s expectations.?