Supervisor candidate Kittle offers ‘fresh approach,’ no compromise

Patrick Kittle is running for a full-time position, but he doesn’t want the $80,000/year with the health care perks.
Instead, he’s willing to be Independence Township supervisor as a contract employee with just a salary.
Kittle wants the township to save the money because ‘I’m not doing this to become a professional politician.? Instead, he’s thrown his hat into the race because members of the community told him the township needs some help.
According to Kittle, people have been saying, ‘the current board is lacking leadership, and it is less than effective when it comes to decision making, meeting decorum, and professionalism.?
If elected to the board, Kittle intends to draw on experience acquired during his 32 years at Chrysler and from being president of the Homeowners Association on Oakhurst Ridge where he lives.
During his last 10 years working for the automotive industry, he managed 200 employees, and worked on budgets, and ‘gaining consensus among people to strive for a common goal.?
While on the homeowners board, Kittle said he ‘balanced the budget and improved the rainy day fund, which increased five-fold without cutting service.?
He also developed an aptitude for ‘communicating the heck out of what’s going on? using newsletters and an e-blast system.
Kittle is critical of the current board’s communication skills. The first duty of an elected supervisor is communicating with citizens, “seeking input from residents? and ‘full fiscal transparency,? he said.
He said “open arguing” in meetings, political infighting, and long board meetings as areas where township government can improve.
On the other hand, Kittle believes the township has done some things right. For instance, ‘they are not operating on a deficit; they are saving some money.?
He differentiates himself from other candidates Todd Waring and Neil Wallace, saying he offers ‘a fresh approach.?
‘I’m a retiree,” he said. “I have time to do a full time job without having to compromise between managing a law practice or managing a landscaping service. I have no commercial or business ties to anyone who does business with or in the community, so there are no hidden agendas here.?
Like Waring and Wallace, Kittle is in favor of the McLaren hospital proposal.
‘I think ambulance ride time from here to Genesys or Pontiac is excessive with 34,000 residents,? he said.
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