The zealots are coming

Gosh, after reading the Dec. 14 Review, I just wanted to stay home and lock my doors to protect myself.
So our township clerk wants to ban rollerblading on public property. What a novel idea. This coming from a woman whos? life is so boring, she attended all the council meetings BEFORE she was paid to do it.
Not to be outdone, Lake Orion Schools Food Services Director, Marla Ernst saved me from great bodily harm by removing all the pop from all the schools. And to top it all, they are convincing the kids that ‘hamburgers and fries kill you?
Personally, I’m going to rollerblade over to McDonalds and get my hamburger, fries and a Coke. All the rest of the zealots can come over and smell my leaves burning in the fall…….Oops, can’t do that anymore.
Get a life.
Rick Pawlowski