This way to River Day

It wasn’t the gloomy skies or prediction of rain worrying Jim Brueck Saturday morning.
It was the seemingly insurmountable work ahead.
‘I wasn’t too sure what we’d get done,? he admitted with a laugh. ‘But the turnout was fantastic; I couldn’t have been more pleased.?
Brueck, who co-chairs the Clarkston Watershed Group with Cory Johnston, said a multitude of volunteers helped expand both the children’s garden and the rain garden in Depot Park during River Day last weekend.
Volunteers also worked on other River Day projects, including a rain garden, at Clarkston Untied Methodist Church.
‘The main function of the rain garden is to catch storm water running off the large parking lot before it flows directly into the river,? said landscape architect Colleen Schmidt, who belongs to the Clarkston Watershed Group and volunteers her professional services to the organization. ‘The water is caught by the garden and the deep-rooted plants help filter pollutants that would otherwise go into the stream.?
The garden hosts Oakland County-native plants, many of which attract bees, beneficial insects and hummingbirds.
‘It’s both entertaining and educating,? Schmidt said. ‘Many people in this area live on rivers and lakes; we want them to take these ideas and use them at their own homes.?
In addition to Schmidt,. Brueck said the CWG was also grateful for help from Trish Hennig, a native plant expert who owns American Roots; the Wildflower Association of Michigan (WAM) for a grant to help purchase native plants; River of Life not only for ‘great support from their group,? but for a contribution to help fund plants and signage; and finally the City of the Village of Clarkston for a monetary contribution,’as well as DPW support for prepping the garden area.
?’It was a real team effort and the’rain garden looks great,? said Brucek, noting the group welcomes anyone interested in helping out or just learning more about ongoing projects.
For more information, email Call Brueck at 248- 625 -7597? or Cory Johnston at 248-620-6489.