Village of Goodrich receives clean 22-23 audit

By David Fleet
Goodrich —On May 13, the village council discussed an audit report from PSLZ, certified public accountants for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.
Rana Emmons, audit partner and managing director delivered the report to the council. According to the 2023 audit, the village’s combined total net position is reported as $2,719,045 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. as compared to $2,284,044 for the year ended June 30, 2022. The village’s governmental activities, revenues generated were $1,519,295 while expenses totaled $1,046,427. The net total position increased by $435,001.
“The village received the highest level possible which is an unmodified audit opinion,” said Emmons. “That’s the best you can get.”
Property taxes, the largest form of revenues, were up 4% this year, state shared revenues up 3.2% which is sales tax and a nice jump in interest income, she said.
“Operating expenditures were consistent from the year before,” said Emmons. “The village added $236,534 to the general fund.”
None of the village’s funds have a deficit fund balance as of June 30,2023.
According to the audit, village revenues were budgeted at $1,068,606 the actual was $1,021,393 a variance with final budget was $41,210. Villages expenditures were budgeted at $444,975 the actual was $428,750, a variance of $16,225 under budget.
“Thanks to the council and the staff,” said Emmons. “They do a really nice job.”

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