Visit Facebook and vote for Allison!

Allison Hufstedler, 6, of Oxford, has a wonderful opportunity to win a large sum of money for an Oakland County hospital and have her artwork featured across the country.
But in order for all that to happen, the Clear Lake Elementary kindergartner needs everyone reading this to go on Facebook and vote for her ? right now!
Hufstedler is one of 10 national finalists in a tissue box design competition sponsored by White Cloud, maker of bath and facial tissues, paper towels and moist wipes. It was open to young contestants, ages 4 to 14, representing 168 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
She’s representing Beaumont Children’s Hospital in Royal Oak. If Hufstedler gets enough votes to be one of the three grand prize winners, Beaumont will receive a $15,000 prize and her artwork ? a colorful drawing of three happy lions enjoying a beautiful day outside ? will be featured on special edition White Cloud tissue boxes at participating Walmart stores around the United States.
To help Hufstedler, visit White Cloud’s Facebook page at’sk=app_436325016429465, click on the ‘like? icon, select her design and vote.
Voting ends at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday, Jan. 30.