Vote no on police millage

The proposed ‘new police millage? is not a police millage, but rather a cover up for bad government.?
Our government is asking for a ‘police millage? rather than a ‘general fund? millage because it is easier to pass.? They try to scare to general population in to thinking that this has to be done for their ‘security?.? When in actuality, it’s just a way to get more tax dollars.?
There are and were a lot of things our government here in Orion Township could do so that the money necessary for police security would be available.? We could combine some of our government with other communities to reduce expenses.?
We only half-heartedly tried to do this with Oxford.? Oxford would not except our one sided terms.? We should work this out with Oxford or another community.? Did we need to spend the money on the new Orion Center and Wildwood Pavilion?? Plus the yearly maintenance expense.
These are projects that should be slated when surplus funds are available and the economy is in high gear. Not during a recession.?
This is bad government that the taxpayer has to live with and pay for.? Also, I’m sure there is money to be saved by taking more advantage of the Sheriff’s Department.? Many communities are already doing this and saving a lot of money.? Less for the taxpayer to be burdened with. I understand the Sheriff’s Department actually hires the police personnel that they replace. And do we really need an ‘ordinance officer? that roams the village looking for people that need to get permits for their projects.?
Is that security work?
Our taxes are high enough. Inadequate government should not be allowed to increase the taxes we already pay.? We should vote NO on the New Millage and make the government do the job we elected them to do.?
Orion Township Citizen?