Wandering kindergartner prompts plan

Oxford Community Schools are increasing security measures after a kindergartner wandered away from school grounds at Daniel Axford Elementary.
The incident took place at or near the end of the day on Oct. 31 during a classroom Halloween party.
Because many parents were taking their children home early after the party, the 5-year-old boy thought school was over and followed everyone outside.
When he did not see the school buses, he started walking home. He was seen walking down a street near the school by another mother, who promptly returned the him to Daniel Axford. The school contacted his mother.
The next day, the boy’s mother and school officials held an emergency meeting to put forth a plan of action effective immediately so future incidents would not occur.
According to the district’s Communications Coordinator Linda Lewis, the plan of action includes:
n Scheduling all kindergarten parties in the morning;
n Having a written check-out form in the classrooms for parents to sign when they leave with a child after a class party, field trip, etc. for all grades.
n Teachers will dismiss students to the parent, one at a time, from their carpet or desk areas.
n Discussion in every classroom reminding students to never leave the building without a parent.
‘The matter has been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties and the district has taken positive steps moving forward to safeguard against this type of incident from happening again,? Lewis said in an e-mail to the Oxford Leader. ‘We appreciate the understanding and willingness of administrators, parents and staff to take part in a resolution process that ensures the safety of our students.?