Wolves bowl over opponents

The bowling teams ruled the lanes as they took on Troy-Athens last week.
The Clarkston Girls Varsity Bowling team won by claiming all 30 points. Sophie Hubble bowled a 199 game and a 172 game for 371 series; Chelsea Turk, 166 and 202 for 368; Vicki Wolfgang, 141 and 157 for 298; Hailey Paul, 141 and 128 for 269; Jess Benedict, 118 and Tess Horowitz, 124.
The varsity boys team won 26-4. Eric Wagner 245 and 243 for 488; Kyle Kirby 214 and 197 for 411; Jacob Kersten, 188 and 171 for 359; Anthony Hernandez 179 and 162 for 341; and Brock Nowak, 158.
The JV team won their match 28-2. High scores came from Kevin Wagner 174 and 188 for a 362 series and Evan Farough 172 and 186 for 358.
The varsity teams competed in the Early Bird Bowling Tournament in Farmington and the format was qualifying games of six baker games and three team games.
The boys got off to a good start in the baker games, averaging 208 in six games.
They were low in their first team game but came back with 1,040 and 1,007 in the last two games.
They averaged a 200.85 and won the second place trophy. They missed winning the tournament by 38 pins.
“It was a very nice start to the year and another valuable lesson learned how a few more spares means the difference between first and second place finishes,” said assistant coach Alan Pittman.
High scores for the boys were Kersten with a 584 series, Wagner with a 592 series and Kirby with a 651 series. High games went to Hernandez with a 237 game and Kirby with a 246 game. Kirby missed medaling for series by five pins.
The girls also had a good start. After the baker games and the first team they were sitting in third place. During the second game they were knocked down in the standings.
They tried making a come back by tying the tournament winner for high score the third game but the deficit was too large to overcome.
“They fought hard and never gave up. This was a valuable experience for future tournaments for the girls,” said Pittman.
Horowitz had a high score with a 210 game and Hubble had two 197 games.

The bowling teams ruled the lanes as they took on Troy-Athens last week.
The Clarkston Girls Varsity Bowling team won by claiming all 30 points. Sophie Hubble bowled a 199 game and a 172 game for 371 series; Chelsea Turk, 166 and 202 for 368; Vicki Wolfgang, 141 and 157 for 298; Hailey Paul, 141 and 128 for 269; Jess Benedict, 118 and Tess Horowitz, 124.
The varsity boys team won 26-4. Eric Wagner 245 and 243 for 488; Kyle Kirby 214 and 197 for 411; Jacob Kersten, 188 and 171 for 359; Anthony Hernandez 179 and 162 for 341; and Brock Nowak, 158.
The JV team won their match 28-2. High scores came from Kevin Wagner 174 and 188 for a 362 series and Evan Farough 172 and 186 for 358.
The varsity teams competed in the Early Bird Bowling Tournament in Farmington and the format was qualifying games of six baker games and three team games.
The boys got off to a good start in the baker games, averaging 208 in six games.
They were low in their first team game but came back with 1,040 and 1,007 in the last two games.
They averaged a 200.85 and won the second place trophy. They missed winning the tournament by 38 pins.
“It was a very nice start to the year and another valuable lesson learned how a few more spares means the difference between first and second place finishes,” said assistant coach Alan Pittman.
High scores for the boys were Kersten with a 584 series, Wagner with a 592 series and Kirby with a 651 series. High games went to Hernandez with a 237 game and Kirby with a 246 game. Kirby missed medaling for series by five pins.
The girls also had a good start. After the baker games and the first team they were sitting in third place. During the second game they were knocked down in the standings.
They tried making a come back by tying the tournament winner for high score the third game but the deficit was too large to overcome.
“They fought hard and never gave up. This was a valuable experience for future tournaments for the girls,” said Pittman.
Horowitz had a high score with a 210 game and Hubble had two 197 games.