Young voters cast ballots for president in school elections

It was a tough decision to make but one by one Andersonville Elementary students went into the voting booth and chose a presidential candidtate on Monday.
Fourth and fifth graders in the school’s Video Reporting Team prepared information about voting and aired it last week in their morning “Broadcast News.”
They interviewed Springfield Township Clerk Laura Moreau about voting. They put together PowerPoint presentations on Mitt Romney and Barack Obama so students were informed before making their decision.
Students in Mrs. Comp’s class shared voters need to be informed. They shared voters get information from TV commercials, mail flyers and debates.
Anna Kuebler explained the vote goes to the electoral college and each state gets a different amount of votes.
The student council assisted on counting the votes. The results were close – Romney received 166 votes, 51 percent of the students. Obama had 159 votes with 49 percent of the students voting for him.
Isabel Matthews explained if Obama is elected again he cannot run again.
“Presidents only get two terms,” she said.
See if the students? votes were the same as the general election on and in next week’s edition.
~Staff Writer Wendi Reardon