Predator may have visited daycare

A man wanted for an attempted child abduction in Canton may have visited a daycare facility in Oxford last week and inquired about a job. ‘If this guy is in our area, we want people to know,? said a woman who helps out at the daycare facility on N. Baldwin Road, between Shipman and Oakwood […]

Questions over well transfer being addressed

Come Sept.1, the Lake Villa Manufactured Home Community will become part of the Oxford Township water system and residents there will begin paying more for water and sewer services. However, Lake Villa’s owner Greg Christopher, owner of Christoper Investment Co. in Auburn Hills, wanted residents to know ‘not one penny goes to the park? and […]

Give that waitress a big tip!

Five area restaurants competed in the 4th Annual Greater Waiter, Waitress & Customer Races held Thursday in downtown Oxford’s Centennial Park. Sponsored by the Oxford and Metamora Chambers of Commerce, the event featured wait staff and customers carrying a serving tray around an obstacle course consisting of two sets of stairs, bowling pins, orange cones […]

DDA member resigns, cites village as reason

Another resignation was submitted to the Oxford Downtown Development Authority last week. Sue McGinnis, who was appointed to the DDA in October 2003, quit the board Aug. 24. ‘I don’t mind putting my time and energy to a cause that may be difficult,? she explained. ‘I do, however, mind putting my time and energy to […]

Teen faces charges for homemade explosives

An Oxford teen guilty of multiple break-ins and arson is now facing charges related to the arsenal of bombs he’s accused of making in his parents? basement on Pontiac Street. Joel Mason Thomas, 16, is charged with three felony counts ? possession or manufacture of explosives or incendiary device with malicious intent, possession of bombs […]

Twp. cuts deputy, keeps sergeant

Come October, Oxford Township will be patrolled by one less Oakland County Sheriff’s deputy. Officials voted unanimously last week to cut one deputy from the township’s substation in order to keep the police budget balanced. The deputy facing the axe was added by the township in January 2004 as a way to repay $106,000 in […]

My Way

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I always thought the purpose of a chamber of commerce was to promote business, shopping, tourism and economic growth in the community it represents. So why is the Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce going to send one lucky person and 1,000 local dollars on a fancy out-of-town shopping excursion? […]

Duffers shoot for top half of league

Oxford’s boys varsity golf team has got the physical strength and skills to compete, but it’s the mental aspect of the game that needs work, according to Coach Terry Kelley. Unfortunately, the team is off to a rocky start finishing 17th out of 20 at the Lapeer Tune-up Aug. 18 and 8th out of nine […]

Lady Cats bring youth, diversity to the court

Depth, youth and diversity are the three elements which characterize the Oxford girls varsity basketball team this season. ‘I really like the group we have,? said Coach Al Poynter, who’s back to lead the Lady Cats a second year. ‘They’re a good group of kids.? Consisting of four seniors, four juniors, four sophomores and one […]

Officials shoot down road tax

Placement of a millage proposal on the November ballot aimed at improving Addison’s deteriorating gravel roads was voted down 4-3 by township officials Monday night. ‘From what everybody’s told me how they feel about our roads, I think this is a disservice to our citizens,? said Trustee Christine Sypitkowski, who proposed the new tax. ‘We’re […]