It was a gift that only another town with a historic mill could truly appreciate. Peter Grebeck, who owns both the old South Lyon mill and Peter’s True Value Hardware, donated a collection of antique mill equipment to the Village of Leonard, which is working to restore its old mill/grain elevator and develop it into […]
Thanks to the Canada-based Enbridge company, Addison Township will be able to enhance public recreational opportunities on one of the community’s scenic lakes. Last week, Enbridge donated $15,000 toward the installation of a handicap-accessible dock on Lake George. ‘We’d like to put it in sometime this spring,? said township Supervisor Bruce Pearson. Although everyone will […]
Limited space is available for a local scrapbooking fund-raiser to benefit the athletes of Special Olympics Michgian. The event will be held on Saturday, March 21 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Treetop Lodge (3333 Jonathan Rd.) located within the Oxford 48371 zip code. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Participants will bring their own […]
In today’s society, it seems like many young people are more content to consume goods than produce them. The idea of building something with your own two hands is rapidly becoming a foreign concept as fingers spend more time touching screens than touching tools. But Sian Marshall, head of teen services at the Oxford Public […]
When you live in northern Oakland County, it’s not uncommon to see a plethora of wildlife ranging from whitetail deer and wild turkeys to hawks and coyotes. But Dr. Bruce Meyers got an opportunity to see something much more rare and very special. He even captured some images with his trusty camera. For the past […]
For the second time in six years, a horse farm in northern Oxford Township was the victim of a destructive fire. Ginny Benson, owner of Sassafras Farms at 3270 Barber Rd., just north of Oakwood Rd., is understandably discouraged. ‘Honestly, I’m thinking I just want to leave ? sell the place and go,? she said. […]
There is a problem with sewer billing on West St., but it turns out it’s on a much smaller scale than originally believed and it’s the village’s issue, not the township’s. Bottom-line, one West St. home was being double-billed for sanitary sewer services. It was being charged by both the township and village when in […]
Nearly all of the Oxford Village funds that went missing in 2010 are back in the municipality’s coffers thanks to insurance. Last week, the village received a $20,062 check from the Michigan Municipal League’s (MML) Liability and Property Pool for the claim it had filed regarding these funds. This check, combined with $865 the village […]
Heather Dalling must have an angel on her shoulder. Using a collection of ordinary items, the Oxford resident took a leap of faith and transformed them into an angelic work of art that earned statewide recognition. ‘I’m really excited and surprised,? Dalling said. ‘It’s not something I had anticipated. I’ve never sculpted anything before or […]
Everybody has their own way to keep themselves entertained during Michigan’s long, cold winters. Some people enjoy ice fishing. Some people ride snowmobiles. Some folks hit the ski slopes. Oxford resident Bob Collins beat the winter blues by heading into the woods and shooting a bobcat on his hunting property near Hubbard Lake. ‘I was […]