Emily Waru is a country girl a long ways from home. The 15-year old Australia native, who has been in Goodrich since late August as an exchange student, grew up in Wallerawang, New South Wales, a small rural community about two hours west of Sndney ‘I was born in Sydney but lived on a farm […]
It’s been 14 years since Matt May parachuted onto Goodrich High School’s football field to deliver the game ball to his younger brother, starting Martian quarterback Lane May. According to news reports, with the crowd on their feet and the National Anthem blaring, Matt landed on the 50-yard line with the football tucked under his […]
Goodrich- By a 6-0 vote on Monday night the school board of trustees accepted an audit from Lewis & Knopf for the 2013-14 fiscal year ending June 30. Board President David Cramer was absent. The district ended the fiscal year with a fund balance of about 7.33 percent or $1,336,529, using $124,791 to balance the […]
On Nov. 4 Genesee County voters will decide on an additional .425 mills for five years to meet the demand for fixed route bus service, Your Ride and other related services for the elderly, persons with disabilities for the public transportation in Genesee County. The hike will cost voters about $15 per year. While the […]
Goodrich-When Paul Jakey’s Mustang was built, a gallon of gas was 30 cents per gallon, the Beatles first arrived in America and a stamp cost 5 cents. Today, 50 years after Jakey’s 1964 Mustang rolled off the assembly line in Dearborn, it still turns heads. ‘My mother purchased the car about 15 years ago, then […]
Groveland Twp.-Early next month the roar of gravel mining equipment will be replaced by the purr of high performance engines pushing four-wheel drives to the limit. From 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Nov. 1-2 the Oakland County Parks will host the Dixie Gully Run, at 14300 Shields Road, Holly. Located just north of Groveland Oaks County Park, […]
Brandon Twp.- Before the snow fliesand winter grips the area’the Community Emergency Response Team wants to know the senior citizens and other residents who may need a little help. The Brandon Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), an all-volunteer group of citizens who serve their community in times of emergencies and special events, is seeking assistance […]
Atlas Twp.- On Monday night the board of trustees voted 4-0 on a moratorium regarding high volume hydraulic fracking of oil, gas and other hydrocarbons. Trustee Patrick Major was absent. Key in the moratorium is the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act which limits the township’s ability to regulate operations related to the exploration and extraction of […]
In 1861, at the outset of the Civil War, the Marine Corps was authorized by Congress to increase its strength to 3,000 men. In comparison to the hundreds of thousands of Army troops massing early in the war the number was miniscule. Today, more than 150 years later, few of the distinctive Marine items remain. […]
The village is on their own. That’s the statement from Thomas McKenney, village attorney who attended the council meeting on Monday night and addressed a pending class suit that was filed last summer ‘The insurance company looked at the policy and the allegations and determined the village is not covered,? he said. ‘They have told […]