A man and his Tugboat

Detroit- Slow and powerful’two key tugboat characteristics that inspired Brandon Township resident Paul Vassall to sail off on a lifelong dream. ‘They’re like the little engine that could,? said Vassall, 55, an on-call Brandon Firefighter for the past nine years and Detroit native. Vassall, who served in the Navy during the early 1970s, was first […]

‘It was the classiest act I’d ever seen?

The game was all but over. Up 28-12, with about one minute left in the game, the Fenton Tigers were poised to hand the Brandon Blackhawks freshman football team their fifth loss of the season? when 15-year-old Tyler Fitzgerald entered the game. ‘So we put ‘Fitzy? in the backfield to run a couple of plays,? […]

Wage hike finding consumers

Melinda Choi takes pride in the clean white linen that covers the dining tables at her family’s Ortonville restaurant. ‘Those linens are costing us 7 percent more since the minimum wage increased,? said Choi, of China Fare, 1764 S. Ortonville Road. ‘We pay all our employees more than minimum wage to begin with, so that’s […]

Locked doors, behavior key in area school safety

Like other students, Cessily Fahr, 17, is conscious of the recent acts of school violence that have occurred in Pennsylvania, Colorado and Wisconsin. ‘None of the shootings have personally affected me,? says Fahr, a Brandon High School senior. ‘But they have really opened my eyes and helped me realize that it’s always possible.? Living in […]

Lower Peninsula bear population moving south

About six years ago, Brandon Township resident Robert Roop’s father reported a nuisance black bear devastating his bird feeder near his home in the Cadillac area. ‘I finally had a chance to hunt up there,? said Roop. ‘I won the permit on my seventh try’it was my fourth bear, two from Canada and one from […]

E. coli levels rise in Kearsley Creek

Ortonville- For the second time this year, elevated E. coli levels in the Kearsley Creek have local officials concerned for the safety of residents and seeking answers regarding the source of the contamination. According to a bacteriological analysis of the Kearsley Creek, performed by the Oakland County Health Division, on Sept. 15 near the Mill […]

Local lawmakers support drug tests for welfare

Welfare recipients who are suspected of substance abuse may be subject to a drug test if some state lawmakers have their way. On Sept. 22, by a 82-25 vote, the House passed a bill requiring welfare recipients to submit to a drug test if the Department of Human Services employee has reasonable suspicion of substance […]

Youth hunt successful for local hunter

Brandon Twp.-Logan Williams had a great September. The 15 year-old Brandon High School student connected on a four-point buck, his first deer, while hunting in Isabella County during the recent Youth Deer Hunting season. ‘The younger hunters have a chance to get a deer during the youth season,? said Williams, who was accompanied on the […]

High traffic crash intersections identified by council

The intersection of Granger and Ortonville roads in Brandon Township, along with the ramp from north I-75 and Grange Hall Road in Groveland Township, top the area in traffic accidents for the past five years according to a report issued by the Southeast Michigan Traffic Crash Facts and SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. […]

Local connects on Michigan elk

Goodrich-Christina Johnson accomplished a first during the last two hours on the last day of her recent elk hunt to northeastern Michigan. The 34-year-old former Goodrich resident shot a 705 pound, five-by-six bull elk, her first, at about 7 p.m., Sept.18 near Atlanta, Mich., just before her elk permit expired. ‘I’ve never even shot a […]