MSP outlines plan for police protection in Groveland, communities

Lansing- After voting on Sept. 27 to close state police posts in Grand Haven, Groveland Township and Iron River the state police responded Tuesday morning with a re-deployment plan prior to the Nov. 28 closing date. Senators and representatives from the areas impacted by the post closings met with Michigan State Police Lt. Col. Peter […]

School seeks bond extension

Brandon–At a special school board meeting Monday the board voted 7-0 to initiate an investigation process for a possible district bond extension. Gary Kelley, district interim finance director said in 1996 the school millage was at 7.88 mills and voters approved an increase to 8.24 mills. There results netted $34,630,000 for a new middle school […]

A long wait for life to continue

Goodrich – Gloria Renaldo is on a mission to live. After a life on a rather adventurous journey incorporating a myriad of cultures, countries and experiences–Gloria has a new challenge–fighting for her life. Gloria, a native of Saginaw and now a Goodrich resident met Pierre Renaldo, a general contractor from western New York who specialized […]

Venison: Just the right cut

Brandon Twp.-For the past 20 years Richard Walker has processed deer each season from Jim’s Cracker Barrel, IGA 5500 Oakhill Road. From October through December–during the gun and archery deer seasons–many successful hunters that venture out in the woods opt for professional deer processing like Walker, a professional meat cutter offers. ‘Hunter spend a lot […]

Cabinet Design Studio

Atlas Twp.- Beth Gray grew up with big business, but ended up in small business–a transition she will never regret. A native of Center Township, Penn., where her father and family members worked in the the steel industry for several decades–Gray left the rural industrial region on the banks of the Ohio River for the […]

Dust, noise issues stir township countryside

Atlas Twp.- Randy VanHorn, 43, lives on about five acres in the often placid township countryside dotted with pastures, woodlots and a few old barns. Yet the rolling landscape and rural setting has a new element–noise. About two years ago VanHorn, an avid motorcycle rider constructed a dirt track complete with jumps, curves and a […]

Gone, but not forgotten

Army Sgt. Earl Walker participated in World War II combat; was wounded three times in European battles; earned eight medals including a Purple Heart for his actions before returning home in 1945. Following the war Walker settled down to civilian life raised three children, worked at General Motors in Pontiac and resided in Brandon Township […]

Local residents concerned about closing of Groveland MSP Post

Groveland Twp.- Dennis O’Malley arrived home during the mid-day to unload some tables in the basement of his township home. He was not home alone. The owner of a Brandon Township restaurant and a catering service, O’Malley purchased 11 acres about 10 years ago and built a house on the wooded township property. The rural […]

Construction of Goodrich pathway hits snags

Goodrich – Progress on the Goodrich Pathway which rolled forward this summer creating a non-motorized pathway bordering Hegel Road west of the Goodrich Country Club to Oaktree Elementary in Atlas Township, continues to make some significant detours prior to its completion. About a month ago Brian Slater, engineer from Flint-based Wade Trim designers of the […]

School OK’s arsenic filtration system

Goodrich – It’s been a little more than two years since Goodrich School District learned of next January’s new arsenic requirements. The board moved one step closer to meeting those new provisions at the September school board meeting. At a cost of $91,350 the Goodrich School Board OK’d Sunshine Water Systems of Linden to provide […]