By Don Rush Residents of Ridge Road, next to Goodrich Country Club may have wondered about the fate of a swan who looked injured or in poor health. As of Monday night, the big male swan was made a resident of the Michigan Duck Resuce and Sancturay in Plymouth.. Twenty-year Brandon Township resident Laurie Smith […]
Deer, car At 7 p.m., Jan. 30, Brandon deputies responded to a report of a car vs. deer accident in the area of S. Baldwin Road and Brookside Ct. The caller pulled onto Brookside and struck a deer. An additional caller let deputies know the deer was still in the roadway and vehicles are swerving […]
Change Dear Editor, Change can be exciting or intimidating, but change is inevitable. Change continues for our Village government even after the November elections. One Council member stepped down, and we are excited to welcome the experienced Kay Green to fill that seat. Unexpectedly, the community lost an icon, Mr. Ron Sutton, leaving a hole […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Ortonville will hold a public hearing on the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds. The Hearing will be held Monday, February 22, 2021 at 7:00 pm in conjunction with its regularly scheduled meeting via Zoom to hear […]
Charter Township of Brandon 395 Mill Street Ortonville, MI 48462 Regular Meeting, February 1, 2021 Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. The meeting was held virtually, via Zoom. Present: Blair, Broughton, DePalma, Marshall, Thurman, Unruh, and Rumball Absent: None Also in attendance: Faye Bindig, Bill Dinnan, OCSD Lt. Glover, Fire Chief Kwapis, Bob McArthur, […]
ATLAS TOWNSHIP PUBLIC NOTICE Board of Review Please be advised that the Atlas Township Board of Review will convene Monday, March 8, 2021 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00p.m. – 3:00p.m. (Appointments required) Wednesday, March 10, 2021 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. and 6:00p.m. – 9:00p.m. (Appointments required) Friday, March 12, 2021 9:00a.m. – […]
SYNOPSIS VILLAGE OF ORTONVILLE SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 2021 Held virtually. Item 1: CALL TO ORDER at 7:02 pm. Item 2: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Item 3: ROLL CALL: Brice, Dylus, George, Green, Hayden, Nivelt, Randazzo. Item 4: APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda was approved with the addition of the Adult Marijuana Ballot Proposal to New […]
OAKLAND COUNTY WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER BALD EAGLE LAKE DRAIN NOTICE OF DAY OF REVIEW OF DRAINAGE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES DATE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. LOCATION: Zoom Meeting paK0M5WXlpSWJuQnZ2UVduZz09 OR US Toll-free: 877 853 5257 Meeting ID: 835 3555 3934 Passcode: 357866 QUESTIONS: (248) 858-1105 The Day of Review is […]
MORICI, ANTHONY JOSEPH, DEACON “TONY” of Clarkston, Michigan; died February 2, 2021. He was 74. He was born March 5, 1946 in Detroit, Michigan to the late Charles and Margaret Rose (nee: Lombardo) Morici. He married Betty Legein on September 6, 1968 in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. He is survived by his loving wife, Betty Morici; […]
KATCHUBA, VIRGINIA ANN of Lake Suzy, Florida formerly of Ortonville went home to be with the Lord on February 2, 2021. She was 92. Born on June 22, 1928 in Ferndale, Michigan to the late Henry and Jessie (nee: Pasel) Brown. She is survived by one son, Michael Katchuba; one daughter, Patricia (Thomas) Hoyes; three grandchildren, Jeramy (Gina) Katchuba, Rebecca (Dennis) Watkins and Jennifer […]