David Smotherman

SMOTHERMAN, DAVID NEIL lifetime resident of Brandon Township.  Died on March, 26, 2020; he was 67. He was born on January 8, 1953 in Detroit, Michigan to the Joseph Robert and Virginia Marie (nee: Moyer) Smotherman.  He is survived four children, Angela (Brian) Batten, David (Dana) Smotherman, Brian Smotherman and Amy Diiacovo; two brothers, Joseph (Diane) Smotherman […]

Robert Service

Pastor Robert Walter Service of 84 years. May 26, 1935 – March 26, 2020 To my dear departed father. You were not only my dad, but you were my pastor, mentor, and friend. Through your 43 years of marriage with mom, you showed me the value of commitment and marriage. Steadfastness is something I came […]

For the birds

For the birds

Spring arrived March 19, but so did about two inches of snow on Sunday night. Temperatures will be in the 50s for southeast Michigan over the weekend. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

School lunches continue

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Governor Gretchen Whitmer has deemed that school food service is still considered critical infrastructure and should continue during the ‘stay-at-home’ order. “I do believe it is deemed necessary,” said Megan Burny, nutritional services director at Goodrich schools. “Our numbers increased by 70 today (Wednesday) from Monday, so I think you’re […]

Letters to the Editor March 28

Census 2020 Dear Editor, I encourage every household to participate in the 2020 Census. Most of us should have received information via the United States Post Office. You can respond to the Census online. The Census provides data that supports senior resources, infrastructure (highways and bridges to name a few), children (which includes education, school […]

Locals ramp up mask sewing for coronavirus battle

By Shelby Stewarat Staff Writer Nationally, there is a shortage of a lot of medical supplies due to COVID-19, or the Coronavirus, including masks. Local residents are doing everything they can to help out. “So, my sister works as an EMT and contacted my mom and I last week,” said Sarah Allen, Brandon Township resident […]

New look to township board

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Come November, all of the Brandon Township board seats are up for reelection, including the Clerk, Treasurer and Supervisor seats. In addition, the current Clerk, Candee Allen, Treasurer, Teri Darnall, and Supervisor, Kathy Thurman, have announced they will not be running for another term and are retiring. “It has been […]

Public Notice: Goodrich

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE VILLAGE OF GOODRICH COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 13,2020 AT 6:00 P.M. NOTICE, to the citizens of the Village of Goodrich, Michigan. The Village of Goodrich Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. located at the Village of Goodrich Municipal Building downstairs in the meeting room […]

Julie Beckwith

Julie Beckwith of Ortonville died suddenly on March 23, 2020. She was 31. Juile was beloved mother of Shaya Beckwith, Klayton Beckwith, Lily Mae Beckwith, Lay La Lee Ertz , Aurora Rose Ertz, she was a beloved daughter of Georgina Marsh and Jessie Simmons, April Goldsmith. She was a beloved granddaughter of Alice Marsh. She […]

Beatrice Wilson

WILSON, BEATRICE PAULA of Almont, Michigan formerly of Ortonville. Died March 25, 2020.  She was 75. She was born January 29, 1945 in Luzerne, Pennsylvania to late John and Mary (nee: Nymick) Danko.  She is survived by six children, Mary (Jim) Curnell-Jackson, James Michael (Lorraine) Curnell, Catherine (Daniel) Curnell-Koessler, Emily (Greg) Curnell-Klave, Daniel (Patsy) Curnell and […]