After leaving her baby to die in a clothes hamper in her parents? home in September, 26-year-old Carmen Rappuhn of Springfield Township was found guilty of second degree murder last week. Within two days of her trial in an Oakland County Circuit courtroom, a jury convicted Rappuhn, who will be sentenced May 20 before Judge […]
The controversy over the federal No Child Left Behind program, and Michigan’s Education YES companion legislation, should be exhibit 4,739 in the pile of evidence proving that one should be careful when asking the government to fix anything. In the case of the public schools, it is a double irony because school districts are, after […]
Some readers are probably familiar with the Clarkston Foundation; but most did not have the opportunity to attend the breakfast that this organization sponsored for thirty-two of our finest math and science students! What a great experience this was for our honored students and what an eye opener it was for the adults in the […]
The Alzheimer’s Association and the Independence Township Senior Center are offering a free program to area residents. ‘Working with your Doctor: When you suspect memory problems in a loved one,? is set for Thursday May 15, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Independence Township Library. The program allows individuals to learn how to […]
Three Clarkston kids represented themselves well at the Optimist’s State Tri-Star Basketball Competition. Jason Ray took first place in the 11-year-old boys group. Conner Hall took first place in the nine-years-old boys group while Taylor Hasselbach won third place in the 11-years-old girls group. ‘I would like to congratulate them and all the other Clarkston […]
Clarkston High School graduate Mike Moran is continuing his dream to make it in the music industry. However nowadays, he has a different group of band members helping him. A year ago, Moran was playing with Clarkston residents Chris Haag, Billy Perkins and Ron Ledwell. The group was looking forward to releasing their first compact […]
BY JENNIFER NEMER Clarkston News Staff Writer Clarkston is preparing to combat the mosquitoes from bringing in the West Nile Virus. At their April 28 meeting, the City Council voted to accept funds from Oakland County in attempts to protect Clarkston from an infestation. Clarkston will receive $372.68 from the Oakland County West Nile Virus […]
Accepting honors at the Monday, May 5 board of education meeting are the top 10 graduates of Clarkston High School’s Class of 2003. With no grade point lower than 3.98, the top academic achievers are (front row) Ben Kosbab, Jenna Kast, Courtney Robinson, Lindsay Tigue, Lauren Treger, (back row) Ronald Knoebel, Teresa Kuhta, Paul Marks, […]
Janalee Grainer summed up the feelings of a parent group concerning the issues on the June 9 school election ballot. ‘We need to tell our neighbors,? she said. ‘I’ll do my subdivision.? Grainer was one of about a dozen parents who attended a Tuesday, April 29 meeting of the Academic Boosters of Clarkston. Part of […]
In anticipation of a positive June 9 vote, Clarkston Community Schools have chosen a firm to ‘hit the ground running? in supervising construction. The board of education on Monday approved the hiring of Skanska USA Building Company at a price not to exceed $3,382,987. If voters approve the proposed $83.7 million bond issue, Skanska will […]