Students in the Brandon school district return to class on Thursday, Aug. 21. The first day of school will begin with a full day for all students. The following is the schedule of opening day times and information for each building: nBelle Ann Elementary: Students attending Belle Ann Elementary School are scheduled to begin classes […]
The following is public information from official documents, including written statements, handwritten eyewitness accounts, court recordings and press releases from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department substation, Brandon Township, and the Michigan State Police post in Groveland Township. MDOP On Aug. 6 an Ortonville resident said her car was damaged when it was rear-ended at the […]
n Fire department ditto: Although council member, Harold Batten thought $7,600 was too much to pay for a copy machine, the village council approved the purchase for the Brandon Fire Department. ‘The fire department has the money in their budget for it,? said President Pro-Tem Kay Green. The motion was passed despite Batten’s ‘No? vote. […]
High school football and girls basketball coaches in Brandon and Goodrich will have to get used to a couple of new rules this season. The Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) adopted two changes of note in girls basketball and one in football for the 2003-04 season. One significant change is the return of the […]
‘Youth and Adult Golf: All classes meet from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Goodrich Country Club. Youth classes (8-15 years) meet on Mondays in September. Adult classes (16 years and up) meet on Wednesdays in August or September. The cost is $60 for residents and $70 for nonresidents. ‘Beginning Soccer: Fall Beginning Soccer is now enrolling. […]
For about two-thirds of a year there’s no such thing as a good tasting tomato in Michigan markets. Oh, they look good. Red, ripe and round, except for the Romas. But for a person who compares tomatoes with luxury cars, the Romas, vine ripened and greenhouse grown tomatoes are the junkyard Edsels of tomatoes. Oh, […]
There’s an old, cliched saying that goes something like, ‘You can’t please them all.? Or is it, ‘You can fool some of the people all of the time, but not all of the people all of the time?? Or is it, ‘You are what you eat?? Got me sport fans, but somebody out Ortonville way […]
ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS The Independence Township Board of Appeals will meet Wednesday, September 3, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. at the Independence Township Library, 6495 Clarkston Road, Clarkston, MI 48346 to hear the following cases: Case #03-0076 Patricia Halpin and Shawn Carver, Petitioners APPLICANTS REQUEST REAR YARD SETBACK VARIANCE OF 4′ TO CONSTRUCT DECK, PLUS […]
CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON 375 DEPOT ROAD CLARKSTON MI 48346 SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 11, 2003 Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Mayor Catallo. Roll: Present: Catallo, Clifton, Gamble, Meyland, Savage, Werner. Absent: Colombo. Minutes of July 28, 2003, accepted as presented. Agenda accepted as presented with the addition of […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE SYNOPSIS OF ADOPTED ORDINANCE At its Regular Mooting of August 11, 2003, the Lake Orion Village Council accepted for second reading and adoption Ordinance No. 2.30, An Ordinance Entitled “UNIFORM TRAFFIC CODE 2002 EDITION”, amending Title VII, Chapter 70 (Traffic Regulations) of the Code of Ordinance of Lake Orion, […]