Board to grapple with possible cuts

An announced cut in state aid to public schools did not come as a surprise to Clarkston school officials, but it was the impetus for some upcoming discussions on long-range budget concerns. At the Nov. 10 school board meeting, Secretary Stephen Hyer offered a report from the finance goal committee. Ongoing budget concerns led the […]

Gargaro’s World

The community service garden on the old McCord farm has been shut down and that is a shame. The program, which was only a year old, was implemented by 52nd District Court Judges Dana Fortinberry and Michael Batchik. The garden allowed nonviolent and first time offenders to serve their debt to society by working in […]

Letter to the Editor

Another well-intentioned project has gone awry. Judge Michael Batchik and Judge Dana Fortinberry thought it would be a good idea to have an inmate garden camp in Independence Township at Pine Knob and Sticknery Roads. The intent was to have non-violent and first-time offenders work the garden instead of a jail sentence. The county would […]

Letter to the Editor

Thank you to City Councilman Dan Columbo for personally coming to our home after hearing about the misplaced political sign. It is encouraging to see such an effort and a reminder about how fortunate we all are to live in a city with the values of a village. Dawn Frasa

Commission denies wetland building permit

Construction of a new house on W. Princeton Avenue is not “in the greater public interest,” according to the Independence Township Planning Commission, but the prospective developer said the fight is not complete. Sitting as a “wetland board” Thursday, Nov. 13, the commission voted 6-1 to deny a wetland permit to allow fill for a […]

Clarkston man is out of jail, but not for long

Just days after getting out of jail, a 19-year-old Clarkston man put himself right back behind bars when he got caught in the act of burglarizing cars. Bradley Scott Paulson was released from custody Saturday, Nov. 8 after serving his time for receiving and concealing property from a home invasion incident that occurred in May […]

Springfield Township woman has a story to tell

You may see her in the guise of Liberetta Lerich Green, a young African American girl who helped injured soldiers in Detroit during the Civil War. Or with Anansi, a spider puppet whose got the character of a trickster. Or she may be speaking as if she were Paul Bunyan. Whatever the personality she may […]

Letter to the Editor

I just listened to another news story about the “cost of incarcerating prisoners” and a possible early release program for nonviolent criminals. I believe we still are not addressing the root cause of this problem. We need to provide a better environment for our children to develop whether it’s the school system or their neighborhoods. […]

Lighthouse staff looks to provide help during holidays

With the holidays right around the corner, the Clarkston Lighthouse is once again counting on the community to come through with donations. This year, for Thanksgiving, the Lighthouse will be providing dinner for 345 families and 125 seniors. Each will receive a box with everything needed to make a holiday dinner so they can prepare […]

Clarkston cancer victim leaves behind friends, old and new

Brian Dorman and Adam Wheatcroft never met, but Dorman believes they could have been friends. Upon learning of the 21-year-old’s battle against cancer (and knowing someone who went to school with him) the director of an Independence Township music academy determined to help the family. “It’s somebody about the same age as I am,” he […]