It’s rainin? Ping-Pong balls!

Even though it was a week late, the annual Easter Bunny Bonanza didn’t disappoint. A total of 240 kids and their parents descended on Seymour Lake Township Park Saturday afternoon to run around the field, collecting colored eggs and Ping-Pong balls. The Oxford Twp. Parks and Recreation-sponsored event was originally scheduled for April 7 ? […]

County offers wood chips

Oakland County Parks is offering free wood chips at Orion Oaks County Park. Dates for pick-up are set for April 28, May 12, May 19, June 23, September 22 and October 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Those interested should enter at the park’s Clarkston Road entrance and bring shovels, wheelbarrows and buckets. All […]

While we were out…

Clarkston had a busy three days back from spring break, including a five softball games in three days. Monday, the Wolves took their second and third wins of the season in a 17-0, 14-0, doubleheader drubbing of Auburn Hills Avondale. The days to follow weren’t as kind to the Wolves, who lost 3-1 to Fraser […]

No clowning around with work-site safety

Brandon Twp.- Children clapped and laughed at the antics of a clown on a unicycle at Belle Ann Elementary recently, but the message with the clown was a serious one? no clowning around outside, where construction is taking place. Skanska USA Building, Inc., sponsored the presentation, ‘Smart Kids Play It Safe? featuring Sammy Safety, the […]


Goodrich- Tears were shed and applause rang out last Monday, as approximately 80 people packed the meeting room for the Goodrich Area Schools Board of Education. About 32 people spoke for a combined total of nearly two hours during the ‘public comments? portion of the meeting. Most had one topic on their minds: sexual harassment. […]

Township ice rinks could yield savings

Brandon Twp.- Officials are considering the possibility of two skating rinks at the Brandon Recreation Park located at Oakwood and Hadley roads, a concept that could save residents money. The plan needs township board approval, but residents could see savings in their insurance rates if the board agrees to the rinks and a tank that […]

Motivational speaker at middle school

Brandon Twp.- Michael Angelo Caruso, author and motivational speaker, will promote pro-active communication? the art of solving problems before they happen? during a free presentation 7-8:30 p.m., May 15, at the Brandon Middle School cafeteria, 609 S. Ortonville Road. The event is sponsored by the Ortonville Rotary Club. ‘One of the messages I like to […]

Brandon teacher awarded grant for reading recovery

Brandon Twp.- Patty Ellsworth has made a difference one word at a time. Several years ago, Ellsworth, a Brandon School District teacher, recognized the need to help youth learn reading and writing? fundamentals of education, says Ellsworth. ‘I saw kids struggling in those areas, and I had a passion to help. I believe all children […]

Village sale

Goodrich- The Village Commons will be open to the public for participation in the Fourth Annual 84- Mile Long Rummage Sale along M-15. ‘This is the first time the park has been open for (the sale),? said Village Administrator Jakki Sidge. The area will be available from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. on May 5. Vendors […]

Abandoned family cemetery holds key to area past

Atlas Twp.- Jeremiah York was born in Saratoga County, NY in 1794 enlisted with Captain Justus P. Spencer’s Company of the New York militia, engaged in battles of the War of 1812. Pension records indicate that in 1814 York was with a division of Colonel Steven’s Regiment of the New York Infantry, when the British […]