Money goes to NOTA

Lake Orion Village Council members on Aug. 23 agreed to transfer their SMART Municipal Credits to the North Oakland Transportation Authority. The village is eligible to receive $2,551 (the same as last year). NOTA will provide the necessary matching funds.

On, off boards

On, off boards Two members of the Village of Lake Orion’s Board of Zoning Appeals have resigned. Regular member Tony Sarsfield has moved to Clarkston. Alternate member Jack Covert said he could no longer serve. Current alternate member Curtis Andreski has been appointed to take Sarsfield’s place. Architect Steve Auger and Bob Hollenbeck, village councilman, […]

ONTV holding orientation

Orion Neighborhood Television has scheduled an orientation session to be held at the ONTV studio on Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. All Orion residents are invited to find out what’s available at ONTV. Meet staff, discuss community access television, ONTV policies and procedures, and how to become certified to use the ONTV studio and field […]

Red Cross blood drive coming

The Red Cross will hold a blood drive on Sept. 14 from 1:30-7:30 p.m. at Howarth United Methodist Church. The church is located on East Silver Bell Road. Call 391-2189 to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome.

Nature Nut

Ever think about going against the grain and doing things differently? What will the next homeowner think of me? We have weeds in our grass; broadleaf, crabgrass and 57 others. We live in a wooded enclave part of what is left of that big forest 35 miles north of Detroit…the Indians called it Bald Mountain. […]

Letter to the Editor

In regard to the North Shore homeowner being targeted by the village to clean up his property, I have some concerns. The village’s latest landscape project around the fire hydrant on O’Connor’s Public Access has left me puzzled. I rode my bike up to the access and was observing (I assumed) a village employee landscaping […]

Letter to the Editor

Regarding not allowing some students to ride the bus; I am in a similar situation with my seven-year-old twin boys. We live on Laird, just off Clarkston. My children are expected to walk on Clarkston Road all the way from Laird Road to Hidden Creek, where there are no sidewalks and the speed limit is […]

Letter to the Editor

Eager to see what high school sports was in the paper, I quickly started glancing as soon as it came in the mail. I noticed as I was looking through the Orion Review that the Lake Orion Varsity Football team had a whole page. The boys? varsity golf was also in the paper. As part […]

Letter to the Editor

Regarding Sandy Dennis, substitute teacher for eight years in the Lake Orion School District, it is reprehensible that a parent with a personal agenda need only say the word and the principal would immediately dismiss a teacher without any consideration of her past history. This was unfair action which should be corrected. Mary J. Toth

Letter to the Editor

Last Friday Greenspan said ‘We need to cut Social Security benefits, and work longer? because we can no longer afford this original contract with America. President Bush was quick to come out and support this proposal. Why all of a sudden is Bush worried about deficits when he has run up one of the biggest […]