ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS The Independence Township Board of Appeals will meet Wednesday, September 15, 2004 at 7:30 pm at the Independence Township Library, 6495 Clarkston Road, Clarkston, MI 48346 to hear the following cases: Case #04-0065 Michael Royce, Petitioner APPLICANT REQUESTS REAR YARD SETBACK VARIANCE OF 35? TO CONSTRUCT DECK ON NON CONFORMING LOT […]
CITY of the VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON 375 DEPOT ROAD CLARkSTON MI 48346 SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING: August 23, 2004 Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m, by Mayor Catallo. Roll. Present: Catallo, Clifton, Gamble, Meyland, Savage, Werner. Absent: Colombo. Minutes of August 9, 2004, accepted an presented with the addition of ‘Craig Greenfield Memorial Triathlon’ […]
synopsis Orion Township Library Board Millage/Budget Hearings & Meetings August 26, 2004 Present: Alexis Iveson, James J. Abramczyk, Mary Pergeau, MaryAnne Thorndycraft, trustees; Linda Sickles, director. Visitors: Jim Phillips, Tom Traurig. Excused: John Cirner, Frank McIsaac President MaryAnne Thorndycraft called the hearing on the 2004 millage rate to order at 7:15 p.m. No questions from […]
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD COUNTY OF OAKLAND MICHIGAN SYNOPSIS Of the Special Meeting of the Charter Township of Oxford Board of Trustees held on August 16th, 2004 at the Oxford Veterans Memorial Civic Center. PRESENT: Trustee Clancy, Supervisor Dunn, Trustee Dywasuk, Treasurer Ferrari, Trustee Fitchena, Trustee Kniffen, Clerk Sanderson ABSENT: None The following actions were […]
legal notice Lake Improvement Board for Lakeville Lake Township of Addison, Oakland County, Michigan notice of confirmation of special assessment rolls Notice is hereby given that the Lake Improvement Board for Lakeville Lake held Public Hearings on August 18, 2004, and confirmed, by resolution, two five-year Special Assessment Rolls; one for the purpose of continuing […]
legal notice Lake Improvement Board for Lakeville Lake Township of Addison, Oakland County, Michigan NOTICE OF DETERMINATION OF PRACTICABILITY Notice is hereby given that the Lake Improvement Board for Lakeville Lake held Public Hearings on August 18, 2004. The Lake Improvement Board, by resolution, determined that a five-year program for Mechanical Weed Harvesting was practical […]
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD COUNTY OF OAKLAND MICHIGAN SYNOPSIS Of the Special Meeting of the Charter Township of Oxford Board of Trustees held on August 17th, 2004 at the Oxford Main Fire Station. PRESENT: Trustee Clancy, Supervisor Dunn, Trustee Dywasuk, Treasurer Ferrari, Trustee Fitchena, Trustee Kniffen, Clerk Sanderson ABSENT: None The following actions were taken: […]
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD COUNTY OF OAKLAND NOTICE OF ADOPTION Notice is hereby given that the Charter Township of Oxford Board of Trustees, at a regular meeting on the 25th day of August, 2004 held a public hearing and adopted Ordinance No. ZO-03-10, Amendment to Oxford Township Zoning Ordinance No. 67, amending Ordinance No. 67 […]
village of oxford notice of public hearing Please take notice, that the Village of oxford Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m., on Monday, September 13, 2004, in the Oxford Village Council Chambers, 22 W. Burdick, Oxford, Michigan to consider the following: Applicant: SBC 75-77 S. Washington Oxford, MI 48371 […]
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD COUNTY OF OAKLAND NOTICE OF ADOPTION Notice is hereby given that the Charter Township of Oxford Board of Trustees, at a regular meeting on the 25th day of August, 2004 held a public hearing and adopted Ordinance No. ZO-03-09, Amendment to Oxford Township Zoning Ordinance No. 67, amending Ordinance No. 67 […]