Whether you are a mom or just someone who enjoys making the most of the holidays, ‘The Busy Mom’s Christmas Organizer? can help take some of the stress out of your celebration season. Created by ‘busy mom? Theresa Fiorani of Lake Orion, the book comes in a soft-cover binder for easy portability. Included are sections […]
Volunteers who served on the Downtown Development Authority and on the four Main Street committees were honored by Downtown Lake Orion on Aug. 18. In 2003, 1,419 volunteer hours were given to Downtown Lake Orion by 45 people. A dinner and reception was held for the volunteers in the community room of Lake Orion’s United […]
If you have a computer, you have to download Jib Jab for some good laughs. My boss, Don Rush, was the first to unveil to us this two minute video on Jib Jab called ‘This Land.? Since then, I’ve been telling and showing people this parody of George W. Bush and John Kerry. I read […]
Lake Orion Schools? Carpenter Elementary was recently selected to host 23 teachers from Taiwan. They are in America to participate in a masters degree program at Lawrence Technological University, and visited to learn about Carpenter’s ‘Year-Round? program and their integration of technology.
I’m very concerned over the recent letter to the editor — Don’t treat us like children — that was from Concerned Seniors. I’m concerned too. If this is truly going on, what can be done about this? Has anyone from your paper ever reported anything about this new director or the mess going on there? […]
I heard the other day that Country Town Preschool closed its doors. My first instinct was to be sure ‘Ms. Paula,? the caretaker and backbone of the preschool was OK. Then my thoughts went back to all the times our four children spent with Paula, about all the hugs and smiles that were bestowed on […]
I’m appalled by the lack of consideration that was given the substitute teacher that lost her job. You can tell by the desperation in the contents of the letter how she needs for someone to see her side of the situation. It’s obvious to me that the principal either knew this individual personally or he’s […]
In regards to the North Shore homeowner who says he has no money for repairs or painting and wants his neighbor’s to leave him alone. And now the village could go in, clean up and charge him I do understand the neighbor’s point of having a hard time selling their house, but does this homeowner […]
Elaine, I love reading your ‘Notes? column weekly. You tell about your everyday experiences and it’s nice to see the human touch put on paper. But I was very disappointed when I read your column about you going to the Coast Guard Festival in Grand Haven this year. When I started reading it I thought […]
Monday, Aug. 16 1:30 p.m.-A person on Heights Road was vomiting. Station #1 responded. 1:57 p.m.-A person on South Lapeer fell in a parking lot. Station #2 responded. 4:28 p.m.-Station #3 responded to a possible heart attack victim on Waldon. 9:22 p.m.-A person on West Church passed out. Station #1 responded. Tuesday, Aug. 17 2:58 […]