Letters to the Editor Aug. 5, 2017

Consider trail safety (In response to: ‘Decision needed on Iron Belle Trail,’ The Citizen, July 29, page 1) Dear Editor, When will our township start to really listen to its people regarding the Iron Belle Trail bike path? First of all I would like to challenge the council and all people involved to drive down […]

Did someone say complicated?

Did someone say complicated? Dear Editor, The Byzantine new Senate bill to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is difficult enough for average Americans to understand, let alone our senators, with not much time to consider it. The Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act, crafted behind closed doors by 13 Republicans with no input invited from […]

Test scores, one million pages and distinguished alumni!

Dear Ortonville-Brandon Community,following are a few updates from the Brandon School District for the month of July: nBrandon High School SAT scores 2017 – This week, scores became available for all high school students in the State of Michigan. While the state has not given us permission for the full release of 2017 school-wide scores, […]

Letters to the editor: July 1

Too much time (In response to: ‘Aggressive, plentiful fowl draw ire of lakeshore residents,’ The Citizen, June 10, 2017, page 1) Dear Editor, Wow, some people in Ortonville and Brandon have too much time on their hands. Worrying about chickens, geese and even a swan. Come on—leave the natural critters alone—maybe it’s time to go […]

Letters to the editor

It’s their world, too (In response to: ‘Aggressive, plentiful fowl draw ire of lakeshore residents,’ The Citizen, June 10, 2017, page 1) Dear Editor, After reading the article on waterfowl on Bald Eagle Lake, I feel a need to respond to this “problem” of aggressive and filthy birds on the premises of people living next […]

Letters to the editor June 10

Trails needed (In response to: ‘Trail true facts,’ a letter by David Van Dis, The Citizen, May 27, page 7) Dear Editor, We would like to say we are in full agreement with the letters from Mr. Van Dis. When we are enjoying the trails, we usually find ourselves spending money in those communities. Why […]

Letters to the editor, May 20, 2017

Bookin’ It For Your Library 5K Dear Editor, A huge thank you to everyone who participated and helped with the 6th annual Bookin’ It For Your Library 5K and Dewey Decimal Dash on May 13. We were blessed with beautiful weather and had a wonderful turnout! This event would not be possible without the dedication […]

Letters to the editor: May 13

Not Groveland’s problem (In response to: ‘Concerted effort needed,’ a letter by Wayne Wills, The Citizen, May 6, page 7) Dear Editor, After reading the “concerted effort needed” in the May 6 edition of The Citizen, I would like to respond and set the record straight on Groveland Township’s position. We have never been approached […]

Letters to the editor May 6

Red barn-trail head Dear Editor, I have lived in Ortonville since the fall of 1974—42 years and served on the village planning commission for 41 years. I have noticed that some people in this area move here to get out of the city but don’t want anyone else to do the same. They don’t want […]

Letters to the editor April 29

Letters to the editor Child abuse & autism Dear Editor, Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance began sponsoring this year an Autism Awareness and Child Abuse Prevention program during the month of April. We planted “Pinwheel Gardens” around the community as a reminder of the great childhoods we want for all children; made a student-designed banner highlighting […]

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