By David Fleet Editor Restaurants are open, summer festivals are planned and county fairs are rolling once again. Still, lurking in the crowds is the most contagious strain of the coronavirus so far and it’s just next door. “The delta variant is in the surrounding counties,” said Genesee County Medical Health Officer Dr. Pamela Hackert […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-At about noon, Sunday July 11, Genesee County Deputies responded to a report of a suspicious death near the 5100 block of South Vassar near Jordan roads, according to a report issued by Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson on Facebook. Jesse James Byars, 34, who had a Flint address, but […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On Monday night, the Ortonville Village Council voted 6-0 to approve a resolution asking Oakland County to use $25 million of the American Rescue Plan funds they are set to receive to fund phase 1 of a major sewer project. Council member Tony Randazzo was absent with notice. If approved, […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-At about noon, Sunday July 11, Genesee County Deputies responded to a report of a suspicious death near the 5100 block of South Vassar near Jordan roads, according to a report issued by Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson on Facebook. Jesse James Byars, 34, who had a Flint address, but […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-On June 21 the township board of trustees voted 5-0 to approve the conditional rezoning of property from Shopping Center District to Light Manufacturing District. The decision follows a 6-1 vote by the township planning commission to recommend the business. The decision allowed Chad Carson, owner of Carson Site-Prep to […]
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-On June 5 the school board of trustees moved foreword with bids for construction of the new Oaktree Gymnasium. “Construction will begin very soon,” said Wayne Wright, district superintendent. Fencing around the project was installed on July 5 and the new gym is expected to be functional by the fall of […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-On June 21 the township board of trustees voted 4-1 to approve a higher resolution for the aerial imagery photos of the township. Trustee Barry June voted no. The township participates in the Genesee County Geographic Information System. Countywide data is gathered via a fly-over using aerial imagery with the […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- A trail between Atlas and Grand Blanc Township will soon be a little closer. In May, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed HB 4469 which appropriated $37.8 million in Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grants that will support 76 recreation projects and land purchases throughout Michigan. The grants were recommended by […]
Amara Parasilti, 4, and Isabella Detavernier, 18, of Ortonville, cool off on Monday with squirt guns. High temperatures, sunshine along with humidity prompted the friendly exchange. Photo by Patrick McAbee.