Quilt patterns top township MSP office

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.- On July 8, the township board of trustees voted 5-0 to purchase “Blue Goose” and “DH” quilt signs for the Michigan State Police office at Township Fire Station 1, 14645 Dixie Highway. The cost of the signs was $300. The signs were installed on July 20. Similar quilt patterns […]

New contract for Brandon liaison officer

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- The board of trustees approved the 2019-2020 intergovernmental agreement to provide a police liaison officer for Brandon Schools with a 6-0 vote. Treasurer Terri Darnall was absent with notice. The current officer in that position is Detective Mike Taylor, who has been with the substation for the past […]

Township library set to close for first renovations since 2000

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- From Aug. 26-Sept. 7, the township library will be closed for renovations. “We haven’t done anything since the building opened in 2000,” said Rebecca Higgerson, library director. “I’m very proud of the fact that we’ve been very fiscally responsible, and we’ve been able to put money away in […]

New village manager named

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- After a three month search, the Village of Ortonville has a new manager, Independance Township resident Dale Stuart. “We are pleased to have hired a new manager within three months of Bill’s departure, as the last Manager was an 8 month search,” said village president Tonja Brice. “We welcome […]

Slime time

Slime time

Molly Smith, 9, looking through slime mixed up at a recent Brandon Township Library summer program. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

Township man guilty on five counts of CSC

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer A Brandon Township man was found guilty on five counts of criminal sexual conduct in the third degree on July 27, all of which were incestuous charges. On May 8, 2018, Brandon deputies were notified by Child Protective Services that a sexual assault make have occurred on a then 17-year-old […]

Local veteran’s story dumped by fb draws ire

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer For their 10 year anniversary, staff at the Village Funeral Home started a blog titled, “Living Life Well,” to highlight those in the community living life to it’s fullest. For the month of July, Ortonville VFW Post 582 commander Dennis Hoffman was selected. But Facebook had other ideas. Following a […]

Rain catcher

Rain catcher

From left, Austin Dyjak watches as Hadley Fahrner attempts to capture rain drops at a t-ball game in Ortonville last week. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

Park projects move forward, but assistance still needed

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- Baseball, basketball and volleyball facilities at the township park will soon have a new look. Construction at the Brandon Township Community Park, 1414 N. Hadley Road is underway and Fred Waybrant, township parks and recreation director says the projects from Land and Water Conservation Fund grants from the […]

Area birders club to host sandhill crane, mourning dove discussion

By David Fleet Editor At 7 p.m., July 31, The Gateway, 7150 N. Main St., Clarkston will host the Clarkston-Area Backyard Birders Club. This month Julie Baker, founder and director of the Michigan Songbird Protection Coalition, who remains on the forefront for the protection of songbirds, including mourning doves and sandhill cranes will discuss her […]