Leadership Day at Reid

Leadership Day at Reid

From left, Sam Quisenberry, Carter Ringler and Caleb Carlson sing at  Leadership Day at Reid Elementary. Photos by Patrick McAbee.

BHS bridge builder teams head to MDOT challenge

By David Fleet Editor Some BHS students are building a foundation for the future. Twenty-eight teams of BHS ninth and 10th grade students will compete in the Michigan Department of Transportation Bridge Challenge in Grand Rapids on May 1 challenging teams statewide. The three-member teams design and build cable stayed bridges. The bridge has one […]

Township trustee seat now open

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.- The township is seeking a trustee following the resignation of Merilyn McGee. Township residents have until June 4 to applied for the remainder of the term which will expire on Nov. 20, 2020. Candidates must be 18 years old, a resident of the township for 30 days and be […]

Party with a Purpose for ‘Women At Risk’ at GUMC

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Rhonda was only 18 when she became one of thousands of women who were or are victims of human trafficking. Since then, her story has been shared through Women At Risk (WAR), a Michigan based organization that helps past and current victims of human trafficking. From 10 a.m.-4 p.m., May […]

Goodrich may soon join Flint Metro League

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich- The Martians may soon have a new sports home. An application has been made aimed at the 2019-20 school year for the Martians, along with Lake Fenton and Cournna schools to join the Flint Metro League. Dave Davis, athletic director said following the March Flint Metro League meeting, Goodrich along […]

Bid awarded to upgrade school waste water treatment plant

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On Monday the Brandon Schools Board of Education voted 7-0 to approve a proposal to use $265,000 to improve the waste water treatment plant. The bid was awarded to Warren-based Brencal Contractors, who were the low bidders. “The stuff that’s there right now, it’s temporary,” said District Superintendent Dr. Matt […]

Bookin’ it for your Library 5K

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Jill Norris and her family have run the Bookin’ it 5K for the Brandon Township Public Library for six years and counting. “It was a community event to do with the kids,” said Norris who takes on the 5k with her family, husband Josh Norris and three sons Jake, 15, […]

Township motorhome fire takes life of local woman

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.-At 11:11 p.m., April 15, township firefighters responded to the 3000 block of Grange Hall Road to a motorhome fire. Fire department Lt. Tom Nicholson said that when firefighters arrived flames were coming from windows and doors of the vehicle. “The motorhome was completely engulfed,” said Nicholson. “The victims made […]

Gearing up for M-15 Garage Sale

By David Fleet Editor On May 5 the annual M-15 Garage Sale stretching from Clarkston through Brandon, Groveland and Atlas townships to Bay City draws thousands of motorists to local communities. “It’s a definite boom to our local economy,” said Shirly Kautman-Jones of the Goodrich/Atlas Chamber of Commerce. “Many people will arrive in our communities for […]

Let me see

Let me see

From left, Riley Brice, 10, Andie Greer, 9, and  Lilie Gotch experience vision impairment goggles  last week at Harvey Swanson Elementary. Photo by Patrick McAbee.  By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Life with a disability— last week Brandon School District fourth grade students spent a few hours experiencing the challenge often facing those with special needs. “My hope is […]