Brandon Township Library trustee needed

The Brandon Township Public Library Board of Trustees will have an open trustee position as of April 9. Applications will be accepted until April 9 to fill the position on an interim basis until the term ends in November. Applications will be available at the library front desk or on the website, At the […]

Village council grapples with appointments

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Ortonville Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is looking for volunteers from the village. “We want more residents of Ortonville represented in the DDA,” said Matt Bailey, DDA organization committee member. “It’s an open invitation to anyone who wants to join.” The current board of directors has six members, and under […]

McArthur appointed to village planning commission

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Bob McArthur, president of the Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance and former fire chief, is the newest member of the Ortonville Planning Commission. The open seat used to belong to David Van Dis, who passed away on Jan. 30, 2018. “In one manner or another I have been involved with the […]

Bats visiting township safe for now

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.- The Road Commission for Oakland County recently ramped up tree removal before a few bats could call them home. The RCOC started last month taking trees out of the right-a-way along Tripp Road between Dixie Highway and Grange Hall Road because soon bats coming out of hibernation may roost […]

Village chicken law narrowly Ok’d

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- The village council voted 4-3 to adopt an ordinance regarding chickens in the village. The ordinance would allow four chickens to a residence, and a coop would have to be 100 feet from any neighboring residence, however the previously discussed rule of having to get written approval from all […]

Next American Idol?

Next American Idol?

Genavieve Linkowski reacts on Monday night in her Atlas Township home after learning she’s moving on in American Idol. Photo by Patrick McAbee. By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- Genavieve Linkowski is going to Hollywood. “Come and get your gold ticket, you’re going to Hollywood,” said an exuberant popstar Katy Perry, who along with country […]

Brandon Future Problem Solvers

The Brandon Future Problem Solvers competed at the State Bowl on the campus of Michigan State University last weekend and several won awards after competing on the topic of Cloud storage. Future Problem Solvers is an academic competition and every season they are assigned four different topics, such as infectious disease prevention, and a future […]

April 28,Rocking & Raking volunteers needed

From 9 a.m.-3 p.m., April 28 volunteers are needed for the annual community Rocking & Raking. Able bodied young people and adults are encouraged to help out elderly and neighbors with disabilities. “We are looking for individuals, families, churches, scout troops, National Honor Society members, sports teams, women’s and men’s groups who are willing to […]

Good Friday cross walk remembered

On Good Friday, April 16, 1976, David Van Dis lead a group through downtown Ortonville reenacting Christ’s last walk with a wooden cross. Van Dis constructed the cross in his Ortonville garage and presented it to the Ortonville United Methodist Church, 93 Church St. The cross was installed during Good Friday services which included Lake […]

Blackhawks compete at Business Professionals of America conference

By David Fleet Editor From March 15-18, Brandon High School joined more than 100 high schools statewide at the Business Professionals of America, 46th annual state leadership conference in Grand Rapids. The BPA is an after school opportunity for students to development leadership skills, personal, career and professional growth along with interaction with the business […]