Letters to the Editor June 10, 2023

Thank you
On Sunday, May 28th, about 11 a.m., I had finished my shopping at Bueche’s in Ortonville. I drove to Rite Aid and noticed my purse was missing. I had forgotten it on the bottom shelf of my shopping cart. I had left my cart with several others together in the parking lot.
I immediately drove back to Bueche’s, afraid my purse was gone with all my IDs, medical cards, charge cads and cash.
Several carts were still there in the same place, but my purse was gone. I went into Bueche’s expecting the purse was gone for good. Much to my surprise and thankfulness, some thoughtful, honest person had found the purse and turned it into the service desk completely intact.
I cannot tell you hoe happy and grateful I am that this wonderful, honest person took the time and effort to do this.
When it seems like our world is going to wrack and ruin with all the crime, corruption, trouble and confusion, an act like this gives me proof that there are still good people out there and there is hope for us. God bless you.
Grateful Senior Citizen

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