Letters to the Editor May 13, 2023

Angels in Ortonville
We have angels in Ortonville. I was visited by several of them on Saturday, May 6th. They came in all sizes and ages, from toddlers to adults.
They were from Woodside Bible Church. It was Robert Mullen and friends. They were here to work on my yard and work they did. Thy raked leaves, cleaned flower beds, and put mulch on all of the flower beds. While the adults and older children worked, the younger children played on the swing set. It was a joy for me to watch them. When the yard work was finished, we all sat n the porch and had pop and snacks that I had prepared for them. We had good conversation about current events. It was a blessed day.
“Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”
I offer my thanks and gratitude to each of you.
Sylvia Runyon

Electric Vehicles
The cost of an electronic vehicle (EV) may be far more costly than you think. EVs use a fraction of the parts that are used on fuel driven vehicles. Auto manufacturers already have laid off thousands of workers due to the reduced number of workers needed to assemble a vehicle.
Auto parts makers will soon be laying off workers due to the need for fewer parts. This could cost you your job.
Who will pay for the charging stations throughout the state? You the taxpayer? If you want a charger in your garage what will it cost? Possibly thousands.
Michigan’s electrical grid will have to be greatly improved. Chinese made windmills and solar will not do the job. Who will pay for the upgrades? Currently DTE is asking for a huge rate increase. Since Michigan’s public utilities are guaranteed a profit. We, the consumers, will have the costs passed on to us.
In a power outage how will you travel?
The White House is pushing for additional restrictions on appliances which will make them more costly to make and operate.
Batteries, made by Chinese workers will increase dependence on the Chinese Communist Party. Used vehicles will be dangerous to buy because of the age and cost of a new battery.
Think before you buy.
Walter Dilber
Groveland Twp.

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