Letters to the Editor Nov. 5, 2022

Veteran’s Day
To the citizens of this country on Veteran’s Day. We have a unique ‘ism’ in this country. It’s called ‘Americanism’.
We as Americans have two days we honor our nation’s finest. ‘Memorial Day’ we honor those we lost, and those among us ‘Veteran’s Day’.
On this day, we honor those who left their homes, loved ones. Who traveled within this country and distant lands. Sailed the seas and oceans and flew the airways.
On this day, we honor those who served, so that the people of this country and many peoples of the world could have once precious gift called freedom.
Over these past few years, we have heard the words ‘Thank you for your service.’ These words spoken to men and women in uniform and to those who are recognized as veterans. Those who remember us we thank you.
We as a grateful nation must welcome home our newest veterans.
We must embrace, support those who have risked their lives and gave themselves, in service of our country.
“To live in freedom, to go forward, to love family, to make something of life, to never give up, t never quit. That’s success.” -Travis Mills
Duane F. Getzmeyer
Past VFW Commander
VFW Post 582
Brandon Township

Ortonville Halloween
What a great Halloween! The Village really shines during these events, and it’s not possible without the help of so many people and groups. I want to thank everyone who puts so much effort into Halloween in the Village. Thank you to those who donate candy, the CERT Team who keeps everyone safe, the DPW crew for building the bonfire and setting out roadblocks, the homeowners who decorate and handout so much candy, and all the volunteers who make the day special. This is a fantastic community tradition and such a memorable experience for our community’s youngest. It’s not possible without the support of so many. Events like this truly showcase that Ortonville is a Hometown with Heart.
Ryan Madis
Village manager

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