‘Lost in the Boonies’

Dylan Reis, eagle scout with troop 199, and Kay Russell, life rank in troop 128G, leading the salute before the annual Lost in the Boonies hike. Photo: Patrick McAbee.
Dylan Reis, eagle scout with troop 199, and Kay Russell, life rank in troop 128G, leading the salute before the annual Lost in the Boonies hike. Photo: Patrick McAbee.
By David Fleet dfleet@mihomepaper.com Brandon Twp. — The Ortonville Recreation Area on the banks of Big Fish Lake once again hosted hundreds of scouts for their annual “Lost in the Boonies” two-day hiking event. Amidst a few late April snow showers about 170 scouts braved the cool, damp nights warmed only by a myriad of campfires. Formerly known as […]
OXFORD TWP. — A 66-year-old Orion Township motorcyclist was killed Wednesday afternoon when the motorcycle he was riding struck a car that pulled in front of him on N. Lapeer Road (M-24) near Oakwood Road in Oxford Township not far from the Oakland-Lapeer county line. According to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, Jimmie Allen Haggadone […]
By David Fleet dfleet@mihomepaper.com Brandon Twp. — Area voters will find several new names when they head to the polls for the August Partisan Primary in Atlas, Brandon, and Groveland townships. Two of three incumbent township supervisors will not be on the ballots. In Oakland County, Brandon Township will have all seven seats up for […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan ssoldan@mihomepaper.com Brandon Twp. — Michigan lawmakers will soon consider legislation to beef up Michigan tobacco prevention laws. Lawmakers say the set of bills are necessary to protect kids and communities from an industry that spends millions in Michigan yearly to keep customers and addict the next generation of users. During the regular […]
Davisburg — On Thursday, July 11, the Oakland County Fair will host its 20th annual Individuals with Disabilities Day. Beginning at 9 a.m., the Oakland County Fair, 12451 Andersonville Rd., Davisburg, welcomes those with disabilities from throughout the region with special events and access. The Oakland County Parks and the Oakland County Fair Board help coordinate […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan ssoldan@mihomepaper.com Brandon Twp. — During the regular board of education meeting on April 15, Brandon High School welding and CAD instructor Mason DePottey provided an update on the welding class, as well as new classes coming next school year. “Mason has been a fantastic addition to the high school staff,” said BHS […]
Goodrich — The Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission (GCMPC) announce the winner of the 2024 Genesee County Earth Day Photo Contest and a $200 Amazon Gift Card. Congratulations to Izabel Swayne’s class at Reid Elementary School in Goodrich for capturing the true essence of Earth Day. Swayne’s first-graders learned about the importance of caring for our […]
By David Fleet dfleet@mihomepaper.com Brandon Twp. — After a four year hiatus, the Stamp Out Hunger food drive will return to the community.On May 11, letter carriers from the Ortonville Post office will pick up bags of non-perishable food items near area residents’ mailboxes. Bags will be distributed to area mailboxes to fill or items may be […]
By David Fleet dfleet@mihomepaper.com Waterford — Brandon High School Sophomore, Brenden Sheffield placed fourth of a field of 69 high school bowlers on April 20 at Century Bowl, Waterford in the first annual Chooch Foundation Bowling Tournament. The top 16 qualifiers went on to head to head play on Sunday. He earned $100 in scholarship […]