OCSO:Unlocked vehicles targeted in township

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Brandon substation is warning residents of a rise in larcenies from unlocked vehicles within the township. At 9:56 a.m., on Nov. 4, Brandon deputies responded to a report of a larceny from a vehicle. The man stated that morning he had noticed his prescriptions, cash […]

OCSO reporting increase in student vaping

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is asking parents to be more vigilant with checking if their children are using vape products. “We have an uptick in kids vaping within the middle school and high school,” said OCSO Brandon Substation commander Lt. Greg Glover. “Our school resource officer has had a major […]

Letters to the Editor Nov. 13, 2021

Thank you Wojo’s Dear Editor, The Village of Ortonville along with the community thank Wojo’s Greenhouse, 2570 Oakwood Road, Brandon Township for their donation of the beautiful mums in the street planters through the downtown area this season. They brighten up the downtown area, and the continued support of Wojo’s Greenhouse is greatly appreciated. Bob […]

Public Notice: Groveland Township

Synopsis Groveland Twp. Board 11/8/2021 Call to Order & Roll Call Approved Agenda Approved: Accts Payable Financial Reports Investment Reports Board Minutes Twp / Fire 10/12/2021 PUBLIC HEARING CDBG – Approved 2022 applications and funding NEW BUSINESS Approved Grand Administration Plan/Sewer Resolution Approved RCOC Gravel Rd Paving Plans for Wildwood Road Discussed Speed Limit Signs […]

Public Notice: Brandon Township

SYNOPSIS CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON REGULAR MEETING November 8, 2021 Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Present: Blair, Broughton, DePalma, Marshall, Thurman, Unruh, and Rumball Also, in attendance, Brandon Fire Chief Kwapis, Lt. Glover OCSD, Shelby Steward-Soldan of the Citizen and 10 Citizens. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Public Hearing- Zarieda SAD #2 Amendment […]

Dean Salley

SALLEY, DEAN A. of Ortonville, Michigan; died November 6, 2021. He was 93. Dean was born March 18, 1928 in Pontiac, Michigan to the late Arthur C. and Olga (nee: Osten) Salley. He is survived by three sons, Michael (Gerry) Salley, Steven (Brenda) Salley and Scott (Rebecca) Salley; also survived by 8 grandchildren and 13 […]

Terry Hotchkiss

HOTCHKISS, TERRY LEROY   An amazing son, husband, brother, uncle, father, grandpa and great-grandpa was lost on November 2, 2021.  Terry Hotchkiss, a witty man of God will forever be missed. His love for everyone was very obvious. He loved to hunt, and garden. Born Mar. 6, 1957 in Pontiac, Michigan to Loren and Elaine (Morgan) […]

Hello skelly

Hello skelly

Ellie, 9, and Max, 7, Tester of Goodrich greet local trick-or-treaters on Halloween night. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

Abraham Ranch, farm animal rescue

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-In partnership with Michigan Humane Society, Abraham Ranch will soon bring a farm animal rescue to the township. “My husband and I bought the property over a year ago now, and it was always the goal to be a place for an animal rescue,” said Katie Abraham, who owns […]

Voters approve school bond extension, millage renewal

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Voters on Tuesday passed local funding proposals in the Brandon and Goodrich School districts. The Brandon School District approved a zero mill increase bond extension 1,647 to 1,353 votes against the bond. The proposal is for $26.1 million, which will be broken into two series with a term length of […]