Summer arrives

Summer arrives

Makenzie and McKenna Froats in their pool. At 5:44 p.m. today summer begins in the Northern Hemisphere marking the longest day and shortest night of the year. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

Blackhawk icers team up with Notre Dame Prep

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Brandon Board of Education approved a cooperative agreement with Notre Dame Preparatory School for a hockey team with a 7-0 vote. “We’ve actually had a cooperative agreement for many years with Kersely, Lake Fenton and Holly, unfortunately, the last two seasons, between the four schools we have just not […]

Elementary,middle school summer virtual learning

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Schools are looking forward to their summer programs once again this year, but the big change for summer of 2020 is that the classes and camps are all virtual. “Our cornerstone this summer is our virtual learning program,” said Janice Meek, Brandon Executive Director of Business Services. “It’s hybrid, […]

Brandon High School may host drive up graduation

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Brandon School District has unveiled their graduation plans for July 26. “The date of July 26 was chosen as part of the senior survey that went out to all senior families,” said Dan Stevens, BHS principal . “I want to thank you again for your patience as we have […]

COVID fizzels fireworks

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-The Friends of AMOS annual July 4 fireworks have been canceled. “With disappointment, the Friends of AMOS board of directors has made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel the annual fireworks display scheduled for July 3, 2020,” the organization said in a statement. “This decision comes only after careful […]

Anti-racism rally draws ire of township official

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- A township trustee is under fire follow his comments regarding a recent local protest. At Monday’s township board of trustees meeting, five residents spoke about the response trustee Bob Marshall had to the anti-racism rally on M-15 on June 6. The rally, like many protests and riots across […]

Crime Watch June 20, 2020

Larceny At 4:29 p.m., June 6, Brandon deputies responded to the 4000 block of Ramsey Road for a report of a larceny. Upon arrival, deputies met with a man who leases the property. He stated he had come out to the property to do some shooting and when he arrived, he found his shooting trailer […]

Letters to the editor June 20, 2020

Vote for Onica Dear Editor, I write as a civically involved member of the Atlas Township community for nearly four decades. Current Chairman of the Planning Commission and member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I was 2003 The Citizen Newspaper Citizen of the Year, and past recipient of the Kettering University Alumni Civic Achievement […]

Public Notice: Goodrich

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SET THE GENERAL OPERATING MILLAGE RATE 2020/2021 VILLAGE OF GOODRICH The Council Members of the Village of Goodrich will hold a public hearing on the proposed General Operating Millage Rate for 2020/2021 of 6.0000 mills in the operating tax millage rate to be levied in 2020/2021. The hearing will be held […]

Public Notice: Groveland Township

GROVELAND TOWNSHIP PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The regular meeting of the Groveland Township Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Groveland Township Hall, 4695 Grange Hall Road, Holly, MI 48442. 248-634-41 52 The purpose of the meeting is to hear if Groveland Township should adopt an ORV Ordinance […]