Happy 14th or 56th? Leap year birthday boy

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Groveland Twp.— On Feb. 29, 2024 Dr. Jay Stark celebrated his 14th birthday. “My brain is still that of about a 14 year old,” said Stark, owner of Brandon Chiropractic Center 125 N. Ortonville Road. “I actually turn 56 this year.” Stark is joined by about 205,000 American ‘leaplings’ or […]

Ortonville-Oakwood Road sidewalk project stalled

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Ortonville — Originally approved in March of 2023, the Oakwood sidewalk project was intended to be partially funded with the 2023 Small Urban Grant, and would have put a sidewalk from Narrin Park to Cedar Street. “The process to do easements is difficult, which we knew, but it’s more difficult […]

Village council committees set

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Ortonville — During the regular Monday night meeting, the Ortonville village council voted unanimously on their yearly committee assignments. As village president, Ken Quisneberry is the council representative for the Ortonville Downtown Development Authority. He is also a member of the personnel committee. President Pro Tempore Melanie Nivelt remains as […]

Rumball reappointed to Ortonville DDA

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Ortonville — During the regular Monday night meeting, the Ortonville village council voted 6-0 to reappoint Jayson Rumball to the board of directors for the Ortonville Downtown Development Authority. Rumball is the current Brandon Township Supervisor, a member of the Ortonville Lion’s Club, a member of the Ortonville Masons, and […]

Public Notice: Small Urban Program

Notice of Small Urban Program Public Meeting for the Residents of the Goodrich-Ortonville Area The Genesee-Lapeer-Shiawassee Region V Planning and Development Commission (GLS Region V) will be holding a Small Urban Program meeting. You are invited to participate in this meeting, to be held on Monday, March 11th, 2024, at 1:30 pm at the Old […]

Herbert Leon

LEON, HERBERT ANTHONY of Ortonville, Michigan; died on February 28, 2024. He was 99. Herbert was born May 2, 1924 in Detroit, Michigan to the late Joseph and Lora (nee: Alfano) Leon. He preceded in death by his loving wife, Sandra Leon who he married on October 6, 1962. He is survived by one son, […]

Public Notice: Brandon Township

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Regular Meeting The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing March 20, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals: Appeal # 23-0016 Zoned R1-B Property ID #: 03-19-453-004 Schneider, Charles Existing Non-Conforming Lot […]



Maverick, a one-year-old Australian Labradoodle owned by Gary and Pat Grant carries a frisbee during some warm sunny days last week. According to the National Weather Service for SE Michigan, a notable warming trend starts Sunday through next week. Photo: Patrick McAbee.

Early voting provides new choice for voters, new challenge for clerks

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp.—  On Feb. 17 voters statewide could head to the polls for the 2024 Presidential Primary. Due to the passage of Proposal 2022-2, which was approved by Michigan voters in 2022, a constitutional amendment gives voters the right to vote early and in person at early voting sites before statewide […]

Fifteen years of Sharin’ O’ the Green

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon Twp. — The Ortonville Community Emergency Fund is once again holding their Sharin’ O’ the Green fundraiser for the month of March, in preparation for the Easter food collection and distribution. “This is an annual opportunity in March where any funds donated to OCEF during the month of March […]

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